17th October : Walking – Val / 5k – Harriet F / 10 min – Suzy C / 9 min – Chris P / 8 min – Mel W/ 7 min – Ben F /
24th October : Walking – Val / 5k – Carol M / 10 min – Emma P / 9 min – Jo P / 8 min – Martyn G/ 7 min – Ben B /
Tea Rota
17/10 Catherine Dack ; 24/10 Chris Foley ; 31/10 Paul Saville ; 7/11 No tea (R&R The Swan) ; 14/11 ???
Results: Glos League Cross Country 12/10/24 Yate
Men 9.0k
- John Evans 38:36
- Martyn Green 42:03
Women & MV65+ 5.9k
- Hannah Hamilton 27:10
- Mel Wilson 28:14
- Nick Langridge 29:59 (2nd MV70)
- Jo Plumbley 30:36
- Chris Foley 31:58
- Ros Rowland 33:51 (3RD LV60)
- Arthur Renshaw 40:22
- Thursday 31st October Halloe’en and TRC Committee Meeting Swan 21:00
- Saturday 2nd November Glos League XC Race 2 Cirencester
- Thursday 7th ‘November Run & Rehydrate’ at the Swan Thornbury High Street From 20:15
- Run & Rehydrate – The Swan Thursday 7th November 20:15 – 22:30
Please complete the Google form below to indicate that you want to go for a free chilli and a drink as we need to let the Swan know in advance. https://forms.gle/QyRndsYcgLv7qQuV9
Numbers close on Friday 1st November so book your place today!
We usually do these in the Summer so this will be a test of going out for a normal Thursday night run but then showering at the Leisure centre and then going to the Swan on the High Street for food and drink at about 20:15. The food at 21:00 will be chilli with garlic bread (including a vegetarian chili option) with first drink all paid for by the Club. All Members are invited.
Note: we can’t use the Leisure Centre before our run so turn up in the top car park at 19:00 ready to run in your usual groups. We can use the showers & changing after we return.
- TRC Race Series 2025 – Message from the RDs
The Club’s 2025 Race Series opened for entries last Sunday. We will be asking you please to marshal nearer the dates – Riverbank Rollick Sunday 12th January, Thornbury10k Thursday 19th June and Oldbury 10 Mile Sunday 21st September. There are a limited number of places at each event to allow for both marshalling and running. Any Club member who would like to run in 2025, especially those who marshalled in 2024 and didn’t run, please contact events@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk before entering letting us know which event(s) you wish to enter, thank you. Please can you help promote Series ‘25 by telling your friends (not in the Club!) or by putting up a poster at work. Poster can be found here -> Series’25 Launch Poster – Landscape or Series’25 Launch Poster – Portrait . The Race Series is our biggest source of income and helped fund the nice shiny new kit everyone is wearing. Thank you.
a poster at work. Poster can be found here -> Series’25 Launch Poster – Landscape or Series’25 Launch Poster – Portrait . The Race Series is our biggest source of income and helped fund the nice shiny new kit everyone is wearing. Thank you.
- New TRC Running Kit is here
Scimitar running kit
If you would like to order one of our Scimitar running tops, with our new logo, please use this form which contains photos and details:- https://forms.gle/5HUA56Mi4dGkvbgN6
We have stock available for Short Sleeve and Long Sleeve T-Shirts, Men’s Vests, and Women’s Slouch. In a change to previous announcements we ordered stock of the Long Sleeve T-Shirts which contain reflective seams and tab as these would make a great winter training top.
Linela clothing
Requested items for non-running clothing comprising of jackets, hoodies, and track pants are now available.
See Mel Wilson to collect your orders.
- A Group to organise Social activities for the Club
We now have a group Leader but are still looking for a small Team of 2 or 3 people to organise some social functions including the Annual Dinner and other social activities. If you are interested in helping please make yourself known to Matt Johnstone or any Committee Member.
- Glos League Cross Country 2024/25
- Sat 2nd November Race 2 Cirencester
- Sun 8th December Race 3 Bath Uni (County Champs)
- Sat 15th Feb 2025. Race 4 Cheltenham
- New Beginners Course
The next Introduction to Running Course starts on Wednesday 16th October and will be for 9 weeks to 11th Dec Meet 6:45pm TLC top car park. Carol (beginners@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk.
- park run of the Month
Next two months are shown below:
Nov 2nd Thornbury https://www.parkrun.org.uk/thornbury/
Dec 7th Chipping Sod https://www.parkrun.org.uk/chippingsodbury/