An easy guide to who is responsible for what.
Committee Members:
Officers (in alphabetical order):
- Nathan Darkin
- Nigel Hale
- Jo Plumbley
- Arthur Renshaw
Committee Members (in alphabetical order):
- Peter Cable
- Jonathan Hall
- Matt Johnstone
- Nick Langridge
- Chris Pritchard
- Nick Williams
- Melanie Wilson
Your committee needs the support of all club members to deliver the range of activities and events.
CHAIR – Arthur Renshaw
Holds the ring at Committee meetings and liaises with the Secretary in setting the agenda. A point of contact for any Club member with a complaint or ideas for improvement. Makes general announcements to the membership. Liaises with other local Running Clubs and athletic organisations including UKA/EA, ARC, Regional AA, Avon AA, etc. Oversees quality kitemark schemes.
VICE-CHAIR – Jo Plumbley
Stands in for the Chairperson when he/she is not available.
SECRETARY – Nigel Hale
Guardian of the Club Constitution, Rules and Code of Conduct. Advises the Committee on what can and cannot be done according to the rules & regulations. Organises and books rooms for meetings, follows up decisions and records all Committee actions. Main Club contact with outside organisations for correspondence, and attends their meetings as necessary. Arranges AGM. Ensures compliance with Data Protection legislation. Maintains a register of EA Licenced coaches, Officials & Running Group Leaders. email:
TREASURER – Nathan Darkin
Manages the finances. Accounts for all income & expenditure. Holds the cheque book, pays invoices etc. Together with the Secretary, accounts for annual membership income (who has paid and who has not). Presents accounts for annual audit.
CAPTAIN – Nick Williams / Melanie Wilson
Responsible for the overall athletic development and performance of the Club, including Tuesday & Thursday groups & group leaders. Makes announcements on Club Nights. Chairs the panel to determine allocation of Club entries for London Marathon. Manages Club events such as Pete Mainstone Challenge.
Special responsibility for welcoming & looking after new & prospective members. Maintaining current membership database.
Responsible for registering members who have opted for EA membership. Also responsible for applying for the London Marathon Club place(s) & subsequent registration of successful club candidate(s).
WELFARE OFFICER – Melanie Wilson
Responsible for ensuring that the club has policies in place to protect the welfare of all club members
Oversees all aspects of Club activity from the safety perspective. Specific responsibility for Risk Assessment for TRC-organised events.
SOCIAL SECRETARY – Chris Pritchard
The objective is to have an event about twice a term. The Social Secretaries will draw on other members of the Club to help in organising the Annual Dinner, which is a major event in the Club year.
Event | Race Director |
Thornbury10K | Collette Jackson |
Oldbury 10 Mile | Emma Pritchard |
Riverbank Rollick | Kevin Wood |
All arrangements for the annual races: entry forms, publicity, race permits, policing, results etc. Look after any race equipment used. Organise events with the assistance of a nominated Race Sub Group
CROSS COUNTRY CAPTAINS – Hannah Hamilton & Jim Godden
All Cross-country (X-C) team arrangements – Gwent & Gloucester League plus Championship races – Avon, Regional & National. Maintain X-C records and organise trophies.
COACHING – to be advised
The Club Captain is responsible for the overall athletic development and performance of the Club. The Captain manages the TRC Coaching Team and takes responsibility for the Tuesday effort sessions, Wednesday beginners course and Thursday sessions.
The following activities are also covered, usually by one nominated person on the Committee, who may enlist help from others:
Upcoming events and Social Media – Chris Pritchard
Updating the diary of activities of interest to TRC Members.
Liaison with Local Fun Runs & TRC Events – Arthur Renshaw
Advising on UKA/ARC Rules, course design, risk assessments and general race organisation. email:
Race Equipment – Arthur Renshaw
Looking after all race materials & equipment.
Trophy Management – TBA
Purchasing new trophies, getting trophies engraved and keeping records of last and current year’s winners. In most cases trophies are recalled prior to the Annual Dinner so that they can be engraved and presented.
Club Kit – Carol Mosses
Looking after, ordering, selling & collecting money.
First Aid: -TBA
Qualified First Aid support
Press Reports – Paul Harrod
Collecting race results, writing reports and liaison with local papers.
Tea Rota (Club Night): – tba
Organising ‘who’ list and providing equipment, hot & cold drinks and biscuits.
Website – maintaining & updating the Club website, helping members add their content when needed. Nick Langridge and Mel Lloyd email:- WebAdmin
Facebook – Chris Pritchard and Kevin Cundy
Individual Club members will also have responsibility for updating their individual segment of the website, using a confidential password and username.