This is to let you know about recent changes in the people looking after the club website and who to contact for any website matters.
Dave Beard, who has been a significant helper and instigator of some improvements, has now left the club and his role in helping out on the website. Thank you Dave.
Steve Dimond, who has undertaken sterling work in the revamp and subsequent maintenance of the current website, is stepping back from a main role but is still available to help with Web content.
In their place Mel Lloyd has come aboard to be one of the main ‘webmasters’ along with Nick Langridge who continues in that role.
Mike Bennewitz is now performing a role in working on the interface with our hosting providers, Worthers, along with Mel.
For club members the main change is really in website content. One of the roles of the ‘webmasters’ is to help members to put their information on to the website. So, if you have anything that you want to be put on then the people to contact are Nick and Mel. We can either do it for you or, if you are confident with uploading your own content, we can see about making you an editor on the website.
Also, if you see anything wrong (and I’ve even had people contact me, quite rightly, about such little things as spelling mistakes) then you can contact Nick and Mel to have it corrected.