11th April : Walking – Val / 5k – Amel D/ 10 min – Emma P/ 9 min – Lizzie W / 8 min – Martyn G/ 7 min – Pete C/ ****Meet at Old Down CC 7pm start****
18th April : Walking – Val / 5k – Nigel H/ 10 min – Suzy C/ 9 min – Ellen P / 8 min – Paul T/ 7 min – Nick W/
Tea Rota
11/04 No Tea (Away Day Old Down CC) / 18/04 Ben Bohane / 25/04 Dave Palmer / 02/05 No Tea (Room N/A) / 09/05 Alan Pascoe / 16/05 Pete Mainstone (AGM night) / 23/05 Janet Constable.
- Gloucester Half : George Evans 1:25:18 (2nd MV50, Hannah Hamilton 1:36:35, Ollie Brown 1:39:01
- Westonbirt Half : Phil Blackburn 1:23:10 (3rd Snr M), Ali Vaz 1:36:54(2nd FV40), Paul Saville 1:45:05
- Westonbirt 10k : Sarah Blakey 52:16
- Frampton Globe Trot 8 miles off road : Matt Johnstone 55:48, Kevin Wood 1:10;58 (2nd MV60), Chris Pritchard 1:16:15 , Emma Pritchard 1:23:21
- Thursday 11th April, Away Day : Run & Rehydrate Old Down CC / Charity Donation / Food Bank April 2024 Shopping list
- Wednesday 17th April – 12th June : Introduction to Running Course starts
- Sunday 28th April. Bristol Running Show. BAWA Filton
- Thursday 2nd May, Meeting room not available. Meet in Car park at 19.00
- Thursday 16th May. TRC AGM Leisure Centre, usual room 20.30
- Thursday 13th June. Club 10k Championship – using the Thornbury 10k course. Meet Sailing Club.
- Thursday 27th June 19.30. The next TRC organised event – The Thornbury 10k
- Saturday 6th July, Cotswold Way Relay
- TRC Membership Renewals
2024-25 Club membership is due for renewal now; thank you to all those who have already renewed. If you have not, please complete the 2024-25 membership form.
If you joined in Jan-Mar 2024, this does not apply to you, as your membership is valid until end March 2025. If you have any questions please contact membership@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk or Treasurer@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk
- Run & Rehydrate – Thursday 11th April Old Down CC & Food Bank Run & Charity Donation.
The next Run & Rehydrate will be on 11th of April. Usual Groups run from Old Down CC at 19.00 then drinks and pizzas after. We will also present our donation of £2,000 to St Peter’s Hospice.
We are also going to do the first “Food Bank Run” on the night of the Run & Rehydrate as a new initiative to help out the Thornbury Food Bank. It is as simple as all TRC Members going to the Run & Rehydrate bring along 2 or 3 items of food eg tins of soup or packet of pasta (non-perishable items), and we will collect it up and deliver it to the local food bank the following day. Food Bank April 2024 Shopping list Here is a list of items to bring along.
- Thornbury 10k – Thursday 27th Start 19.30 Oldbury
The 2nd race of the club’s race series is coming up in June. It is a great route from the Oldbury Sailing club, around the lanes, and back down from St Arilda’s finishing at the Anchor. The profits from the club events go towards the club charity donation, and lots of the social activities we put on such as “Run & Rehydrate”, cross country, t shirt discounts etc. Your help makes this all possible! To deliver this event successfully and safely, we will need club members to come and marshal (60+ in total). Any questions please contact Colette Jackson on ginger_explorer@hotmail.com
Note we will be running the route of the 10k for the Club Champs 2 weeks before the open event (Club night Thursday 13th June)
- Introduction to Running Course.
The next Introduction to Running Course is taking place over 9 weeks on Wednesdays from 17th April to 12th June at 6:45pm from TLC top car park, graduation parkrun 15th June. Thank you to all who have volunteered to be Beginners Champions in April. Your support is much appreciated. We still have places for more beginners to join the course, please continue to spread the word. Thank you. Carol and Natalie
- Oldbury 10 Mile 2024.
We are looking for a small Team of Members to organise the event in September 2024. We need 3 or 4 people anytime soon for this – we have one volunteer so far. Full training & support will be provided
- AGM – Thursday 16th May (Club Year 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025)
The AGM will be after Club Night on Thursday 16th May at 20.30. We are on the lookout for any Members who would consider standing for the Committee. If you are interested, please speak to any Committee Member who will give an idea of what is involved. We have a very successful Club but we would like to introduce some new blood with new ideas into the Committee in 2024-25.
- College Association of Sport
The College Association of Sport is running an Athletic competition on Wed 1st May 11:30-2:30 at WISE to encourage more young athletes participation. They are looking for volunteer officials for the event who could assist this track and field events including the following roles Required: Starter, Starters Assistant, Track Support, Field Support, Timer.
Light lunch and refreshment will be provided for the day. Kevin Wood has volunteered for this. If interested please contact Choi Sze | SGS College WISE Campus | New Road | Stoke Gifford | Bristol | BS34 8LP Tel: 01179192615 Email: choisze.to@sgscol.ac.uk | www.sgscol.ac.uk
- Park run of the Month
Full list of 2024 park runs of the month is here..
Next three months are shown below:
May 4th Thornbury https://www.parkrun.org.uk/thornbury/
June 1st Chipping Sodbury https://www.parkrun.org.uk/chippingsodbury/
July 6th Severn Bridge https://www.parkrun.org.uk/severnbridge/
- Cotswold Way Relay. Saturday 6th July
For 2024 the Club has entered 2 teams into the popular Cotswold Way Relay (103 miles, 10 stage, off-road race through the Cotswolds from Chipping Campden to Bath). We need a total of 20 runners + reserves. If you wish to run, or be a reserve or can help with on the day marshalling then please sign up here. A £10 deposit will be required to secure your place, payable later, but for now we just need to ensure we have sufficient runners, so please sign up now. If we become oversubscribed, we will work on a first come first served basis. Any issues please contact Nathan Darkin or Lizzie Williams