7th March : Walking – Val / 5k– Nigel H/ 10 min – Mike B / 9 min – Ellen P / 8 min –Hannah H/ 7 min – Rob W/
14th March : Walking – Val / 5k– Caron H/ 10 min – Emma P / 9 min – Lizzie W / 8 min –Mel W/ 7 min – Ben B/
Tea Rota
07/03 Colette Jackson / 14/03 Lorna Chambers / 21/03 tba / 28/03 tba
We need some more Members to do tea in March – please see Arthur Renshaw
- Thursday 28th March Last day for nominating a charity for the coming year 2024/5
- Sunday 31st March British Summer Time begins. We can go off road at last!
- Monday 1st April – New Club Year. Please renew your Membership during March.
- Thursday 4th April Meeting room not available. Meet in Car park at 19.00
- Wednesday 17th April – 12th June : Introduction to Running Course.
- Sunday 28th April Bristol Running Show. BAWA Filton
- Thursday 16th May TRC AGM Leisure Centre, usual room 20.30
- Thursday 27th June 19.30. The next TRC organised event – The Thornbury 10k
- Saturday 6th July Cotswold Way Relay
- TRC Membership Renewals
The Club Membership year is from 1st April. If you wish to renew early the details and the form to complete are here…
- Ideas for the future of TRC
Due to the success of our 3 races, which all sold out, the Committee are seeking member suggestions on how we can best utilise our reserve to further the Clubs objectives. If you have any suggestions, please submit them here no later than end of March for the Committee to review. Substantive suggestions will be taken to the AGM on Thursday 16th May for comment.
- TRC Charity Donation
After a successful staging of our 3 events over the last year – all sold out – the Committee has decided to increase our donation to our annual Charity St Peter’s Hospice. We will now donate £2,000 and this will be done at the next Run & Rehydrate event in early April – date to be confirmed.
We are now seeking nominations from the Membership for the choice of Charity for the coming year 2024-25. Please submit your nominations to the Secretary, Nigel Hale at latest by Thursday 28th March.
- Introduction to Running Course.
The Introduction to Running Course has been a great way for the Club to support people who are keen to start running, promote running in the local community and attract new members. We need your help please. The next Introduction to Running Course is taking place over 9 weeks on Wednesdays from 17th April to 12th June at 6:45pm from TLC car park, graduation parkrun 15th June. If you are able to support the next course on 2 or 3 evenings that would be great please let us know the dates that you can help here. We need 2 people each week, 3 if there is particularly large or spread out group. Please contact Carol Mosses, beginners@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk. Please can you also share the advert and link which will be sent to all WhatsApp groups to encourage beginners to sign up for the course. Thank you Carol and Natalie.
- Oldbury 10 Mile 2024.
We are looking for a small Team of Members to organise the event in September 2024. We need 3 or 4 people anytime soon for this. Full training & support will be provided
- AGM – Thursday 16th May (Club Year 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025)
The AGM will be after Club Night on Thursday 16th May at 20.30. We are on the lookout for any Members who would consider standing for the Committee. If you are interested, please speak to any Committee Member who will give an idea of what is involved. We have a very successful Club but we would like to introduce some new blood with new ideas into the Committee in 2024-25.
- Park run of the Month
Full list of 2024 park runs of the month is here..
Next two months are shown below:
April 6th Chipping Sodbury https://www.parkrun.org.uk/chippingsodbury/
May 4th Thornbury https://www.parkrun.org.uk/thornbury/
- Cotswold Way Relay. Saturday 6th July
We have two people organising this event – Nathan Darkin & Lizzie Williams. For 2024 the Club intend to enter 2 teams into the popular Cotswold Way Relay (103 miles, 10 stage, off-road race through the Cotswolds from Chipping Campden to Bath). We need a total of 20 runners + reserves. If you wish to run, or be a reserve or can help with on the day marshalling then please sign up here. A £10 deposit will be required to secure your place, payable later, but for now we just need to ensure we have sufficient runners, so please sign up now. If we become oversubscribed, we will work on a first come first served basis. If you are new to the Club and would like to know more about CWR, speak to Captain Nick or any Committee Member.
- Thornbury Swimarathon
Thanks to the 6 Members that represented TRC in the Rotary Club Swimarathon on Friday 1st March – Sue Pascoe, Sarah LN, Charlotte Harvard-Smith, Kellie Bryant, Hugh McPherson & Arthur Renshaw. They managed 114 lengths in their allotted 50 minutes.