16th May : Walking – Val / 5k – Nigel H/ 10 min – Emma P / 9 min – Ellen P / 8 min – Paul T / 7 min – Nick W /
23rd May : Walking – Val / 5k – Carol M / 10 min – Suzy C / 9 min – Moray S / 8 min – Mel W / 7 min – Pete C /
Tea Rota
16/05 Pete Mainstone (AGM night) / 23/05 Jon Hall / 30/05 Janet Constable. / 06/06 tbc
Results: none this week
- Thursday 16th May. TRC AGM Leisure Centre, usual room 20.30 after Club night.
- Thursday 13th June. Club 10k Champs – using the Thornbury 10k course. Meet Sailing Club. 19:00
- Thursday 20th June. Room being used until 7pm. We can use on our return around 8pm. Come ready to run at 7pm from top car park.
- Thursday 27th June 19.30. The next TRC organised event – The Thornbury 10k
- Saturday 6th July. Cotswold Way Relay
- Volunteer Prize Draw – open to all Members. Win yourself £50
As you all know we are always looking for volunteers to help with our events, help with the Tea Rota and to lead Groups. Your committee has decided that we should put forward some incentives for you to volunteer. As from 1st May we are putting up an annual prize fund of £400 – £50 for each of our 3 events, £50 per quarter for the Tea Rota and £50 for a Group Leader. These £50 prizes will be drawn at an appropriate date each quarter for all Members who have volunteered in those 8 categories. All you have to do is volunteer and then make sure your name is down! The first event draw will be for the Thornbury 10k and will be drawn after the race on 27th June.
- Thornbury 10k – Thursday 27th Start 19.30 Oldbury
The 2nd race of the club’s 2024 race series is in June. It is a great route from the Oldbury Sailing club, around the lanes, and back down from St Arilda’s finishing at the Anchor. To deliver this event successfully and safely, we need club members to come and marshal – 60+ in total and we are at about 25 so far. Please put your name down on the Form attached here Thornbury 10K. Any questions please contact Colette Jackson on ginger_explorer@hotmail.com
- 2024 Club Championship 10k – Thursday 13th Start 19:30 at Sailing Club.
This year, as we have for the last couple of years, will be holding the Club Championship on 13th June (two weeks before the Thornbury 10k) from the Sailing Club in Oldbury-on-Severn, which will take the place of the usual Thursday night club run that week. More details will be provided over the next few weeks, however in the meantime, we could do with a few volunteers (who are not planning on running) to help out with logistics on the evening i.e., timing, marshalling etc. We only need a handful of volunteers, but without you, the event will not be able to take place. Could those of you who would be able to help out please let Nick know over the next couple of weeks so that he can sort out roles etc. in the run up to the event.
In addition to the above, please can those who were awarded trophies from last year’s event return them to Nick as soon as possible.
- Tuesday evening Interval Sessions
We have agreed with Castle School to make use of their grass athletics track to host our coached Tuesday interval sessions over the summer months (7th May to 27th August). The sessions are available to all and hosted by our club coaches Nick, Kevin and Hannah. The sessions are free to all club members, start at 7.30pm and last roughly one hour. The sessions normally comprise a warm up, some running drills and the main interval session, before a cool down. For more information, please contact Nick Williams.
- AGM – Thursday 16th May (Club Year 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025)
The AGM will be after Club Night on Thursday 16th May at 20.30. An e-mail has been sent to all Members from the Club Secretary with more information about the AGM.
- Pete Mainstone Challenge 2024
The wait is over – the line up for this year’s Pete Mainstone challenge is announced. This is a series of specially selected local 10Km races where we aim to get a great club turn out boosted by a bit of healthy competition and a beer or two at the finish courtesy of TRC. Run as many of the races as you can and your best 3 positions will count towards the series trophies awarded to best male and female overall – there are age adjusted prizes too – as well as cold beers and healthy (ish) snacks to share with our TRC friends at the finish line. The aim is to get as many club members as possible out to share the fun of racing – no matter what your age or pace.
This year’s events are:
- Hogweed Trot 10k June 3rd 7pm – https://hogweedtrotters.co.uk/hogweed-trot-10k/
- Our very own TRC 10k tester event – 13th June 2024 at 7pm at the Yacht Club – Start 19:30
- GWR towpath series Race 3 – 26th July – https://race-nation.co.uk/register/great-western-runners-2series
- The Flying Monk 10k Malmesbury – Sat 31st August – https://www.icompete.co.uk/events/malmesbury10k
There may also be a final bonus race so keep a look out during the summer. So please get those entries in as soon as possible so you don’t miss out. See you on the start line – any questions just ask Jo Plumbley – 07860 623312
- A Group to organise Social activities for the Club
The Committee are looking for a small Team of people to organise some social functions including the Annual Dinner and a BBQ after the Cotswold Relay on the weekend of 6/7th July. If you are interested in helping please make yourself known to any Committee Member.
- Canicross Group – Thursdays
Last year there was interest from members who wished to run with their dogs on a Thursday night club run. This has since been discussed by the committee and agreed that during the summer months, when there is no need for head torches, a mixed ability group for those who wished to run with their dog on a Thursday night could be established. We will happily create a WhatsApp group for those who wish to run with their dog, with those in the group to discuss a route and who will lead that group in any specific week. Could those who are interested please let themselves be known to Nick, who will add you to a WhatsApp group so that you can liaise with one another before a Thursday night club run.
- Park run of the Month
Full list of 2024 park runs of the month is here..
Next three months are shown below:
June 1st Chipping Sodbury https://www.parkrun.org.uk/chippingsodbury/
July 6th Severn Bridge https://www.parkrun.org.uk/severnbridge/
Aug 3rd Wotton https://www.parkrun.org.uk/wotton/