TRC Weekly Bulletin w/c 12/12/22

Thursday Club Night Leaders – for the Xmas Lights run from the Cricket Club at the top of Alveston Hill. Remember the road is closed!

Steve D has designed the route for the best lights on view

Walking – Val / 12 min – Nigel / 10 min – Ellen / 9 min – Chris / 8 min – Lizzie / 7 min – Rob

Tea Rota                                                      

15/12 – Xmas do.  22/12 – Jerry Clothier 29/12 – Leisure Centre closed 5/1/23 – Nigel Hale 12/1/23 Amel.


Mince Pie Run Wotton-Under-Edge (reminder as some details have changed)

The traditional pre-Xmas Mince Pie run on Sunday 18th December meeting in the Chippings car park in Wotton GL12 7BD. Christmas outfits encouraged.

  1. The ‘Fast & Furious’ Group. Starting at 08.00 for about 3 hours Led by Rob Watkins.
  2. The ‘cut down Traditional Route’ Group. Starting at 08.30. About 10 miles Led by ?  We need a leader for this Group. If no leader will cancel.
  3. The ‘Hilly & Muddy’ Group. Starting at 08.45. about 7-8 miles. Led by Arthur Renshaw
  4. The ‘Nice Steady Run’ Group. Starting at 09.30 5-6 miles with a few hills. Led by Jim Williams
  5. The ‘More Leisurely’ Group. Starting at 09.30. Walking group dogs allowed. Led by Judy Mills

