Having resumed the Club Night runs on a Thursday over the last 4 weeks we have been seeing around 30 people attending which leaves a large percentage of the Membership, as yet, not coming back on a Thursday.
Your Committee is trying to find the best way forward and we really need to know your views on what would make you feel comfortable about returning on a Thursday and subsequently what you would feel like about having the use of indoor facilities at the Leisure Centre. So far we have been meeting outside in the car park at 19.00 but as the nights draw in we need to think about what we are going to do as it gets darker and colder.
Everyone has a different comfort level and way of coping with the virus depending upon their personal circumstances, and that’s totally understandable. Some are comfortable with social distance running, whilst others are not. Some people are happy to meet inside, whilst others think this is a step too far.
In order to determine a way forward that works for a majority of the Club Membership we would like to sound out your opinion please:
1. I don’t feel comfortable running at a social distance so won’t be returning until the situation changes.
2. If we continue to meet outside in the Leisure Centre car park on Thursday throughout winter are you:
a. More likely to continue to attend / start attending?
b. Less likely to continue to attend / start attending?
c. Makes no difference to me
3. If we started to meet inside the Leisure Centre for the winter months are you:
a. More likely to continue to attend / stat attending?
b. Less likely to continue to attend / start attending?
c. Makes no difference to me
We acknowledge that the Filnore Suite room that we used to use on a Thursday is not suitable for use under the present covid circumstances – too small, only one way in/out etc. The Leisure Centre have offered us use of the much larger Severnside Suite – three times the size of the Filnore Suite with space for 100 people & with separate entrance/exit. Would you be comfortable meeting inside using the Severnside Suite? If you get the opportunity please go and have a look at the Severnside Suite.
Please confirm your view on the 3 questions above by completing the Doodle Poll here within the next couple of weeks (by 8th Sept): https://doodle.com/poll/wnf5sq7fmek5vziu
Assuming enough Members respond to this poll we should have a much clearer idea on how we move forward with Thursday Club Nights.
We would welcome your thoughts on the above, and any other matters related to keeping the club running (literally and physically) send to membership@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk or speak to any Committee Member. We have to let the Leisure Centre know what we want to do in the next few weeks and we have a Committee meeting in two weeks on Tuesday 8th September so please make your views known before then if possible.
Thank You.
Arthur Renshaw