TRC News 26/03/20

Hi All,

I have just posted the latest information from England Athletics which is worth a read.
Basically the sport is closed down until at least 31st May.

With respect to the Thornbury 10k scheduled for 16th July we don’t have to make a decision just yet as we are fairly self-sufficient and could rearrange the event at short notice if we get any indication that the restrictions may be lifted. I guess that we would next look at this for a decision on or around 1st June.

The Leisure Centre is closed and you cannot run in groups but at least you can go for a daily run on your own as long as you stay 2 metres away from anyone you meet.
For those of you who are paying members of the Leisure Centre they have appealed to their Members to allow them to continue to take their regular Direct Debits so that they can survive the current challenge – the Centre is run by a not-for-profit charity so they have limited reserves to fall back on and no income now.

For the time being your Committee remains in place as we have no idea when we can rearrange the AGM.

We had a “virtual Committee meeting” last week (ie by e-mail) when we unanimously agreed to roll-on everyone’s TRC Membership for a further 6 months to 1st October 2020 at no charge to anyone. Anybody who has already renewed will get a full refund so nobody should loose out. If necessary we will also cover your EA Fees from 1st April for those Members who are EA Members this year. Next October, assuming we are back to some semblance of normality, then we will ask you to renew for just the half year until 31st March 2021. What we are not going to do is to ask you for any money under the present circumstances.

If there is any change to the official position or we have any news for you we will post the details on here.

Look after yourselves and keep safe.

Best Wishes
Arthur Renshaw,
Chairman (I’m on Day 12 of self-isolation with Helen as I have a compromised immune system)