I have been leaving sending this to the last possible minute just in case Boris wanted to change his ‘Release from Lockdown RoadMap’ but it is now definite we can re-start Club activities and meet to run in groups of 6 as from tomorrow (29th) British Summer Time has also started today so we get an extra hour’s daylight in the evening for a better choice of routes for our runs.
The top car park at the Leisure Centre is freshly marked out with Groups – 7 min, 8 min, 9 min , 10/11 min, 5k & Walkers. The Leisure Centre building doesn’t reopen until Monday 12 April so no toilets are available. Also be aware that the top car park is also a part time Covid Testing Centre but it will usually be clear when our groups meet.
The new Track & Trace system will be in operation for all who turn up to a TRC organised session – see separate e-mail specifically on the T&T system. You will need to complete an on-line confirmation before you turn up. Registration using your phone and the QR code will also be available.
Leaders have been organised for all organised sessions over the next few weeks.
Thursday 1st April will be the first main night back for everybody including for walkers. Meet top car park at 19.00 in your respective Groups. Have your Group photo taken then off you go in groups of up to 6 – remember to adhere to social distancing and to our Covid Running Code.
Group Leaders:
o 7 min Nick Williams
o 8 min Mark West
o 9 min Hugh McPherson
o 10/11 Rachel Murphy
o 5k Carol Mosses
o Walk Val James
Tuesday 6th April will be the first week back with Coached session. Tuesday’s sessions will be split between the Leisure Centre top car park and Aztec West. If you want to join either group please make sure you complete the Track & Trace on-line form beforehand. (see separate e-mail)
o Aztec West at 19.30 for anyone with a typical 5k time under 25 mins. Coached by Phil Lucker & Nick Williams. Park and meet at the main Business Centre in the centre of the business park (BS32 4TD). People will need to park in ‘blue’ spaces and, as you face the Business Centre from the A38, meet around the back by the main entrance: (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.542401,-2.5725497,3a,90y,49.01h,92.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sL-kVb4-_ipUCG4KHGIpF9g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-GB).
o Thornbury Leisure Centre (top car park) at 19.00 for anyone with a typical 5k time over 25 mins or anyone who cannot get to or doesn’t want to go to Aztec. Efforts or an alternative steady 5k run. Coached by Kevin Wood.
Keeping Updated – To keep in contact with the groups and so we can update people quickly if the location changes etc. we are going to set up two WhatsApp groups:
o Anybody wishing to on the ‘Aztec Coaching WhatsApp Group’ please contact Nick Williams 07745 133524 to be added to the group chat.
o Anybody wishing to on the ‘TLC Coaching WhatsApp Group’ please contact Kevin Wood 07966 634237 to be added to the group chat.
o If you want to be on both please message both Nick & Kevin.
Wednesday 7th April will be the first night of the new fully booked Beginner’s sessions – top car park Leisure Centre. If you have helped with the Beginners courses in the past then Captain Kevin will have been in touch.
Tuesday & Thursday lunchtime sessions – 12.00 from top car park at the Leisure Centre. A regular session, typically a 5k run supervised by Ros Rowland for those that can’t make the evening sessions but still want a run with others. Particularly if you haven’t run for ages and want to get back to it. If you would like to join this group please contact Ros on 07743 257838. QR Code registration required.
From 12th April the Gym & Swimming Pool at the Leisure Centre will re-open. The groups of 6 meeting outside is still applicable.
From 17th May the size of Groups meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre can be increased to 30 – although we may decide to continue to split into smaller Groups.
From 21st June all restrictions are removed and we could go back to meeting indoors at the Leisure Centre if we want to. We still have access to our old room on a Thursday night if we want to use it. We will run another check on what Members want to do before we decide to go back indoors.
1. TRC Membership Renewal 2021/22
Our new Membership year starts 1 April 2021.
On-line TRC Membership Form : https://forms.gle/8YczPPn5biH1Rk929
All Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read, complete and submit the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April.
Please pay on-line to a/c name: Thornbury Running Club; a/c No. 01190517, Bank sort Code 30-12-04, and please include your full name as a reference.â€
If you do not wish to renew your membership please can you e-mail membership@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk and we will remove you from the e-mail list and not chase you further for renewal and payment of fees.
2. WhatsApp Groups
There are WhatsApp message groups set up for each of the pace groups. These are a great way to quickly get a message to everyone in the group. If you are not currently a member of any of the WhatsApp groups and would like to be added please send an e-mail with your name, mobile phone number and which group you wish to be part of to Kevin Wood captain@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk. The following are the five groups – 7 min, 8 min, 9 min, 10/11 min and Walking – the same as marked out in the top car park.
3. TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom. (TOMORROW!)
All Members welcome, a Zoom link was sent out earlier this week. As we only had the last delayed AGM five months ago in October2020 this AGM should be fairly short. Agenda attached with Zoom link.AGM-2021_Agenda
4. Diary Dates:
• Shepperdine Marathon & Half Marathon – Sunday 25th April. 3 laps of a fast -flat course from Berkeley Power Station using some of the same lanes as our Oldbury 10 mile This event is organised by Rogue Runs and has a UKA Permit. Entry £23
• Thornbury Park Run – Saturday 5th June. All Park Runs are planned to recommence on the same day
• Cotswold Relay – Saturday 3 July. We hope to enter 3 Teams of 10 runners plus we need 1 volunteer helper per Team. Put this date in your Diary and look out for more details over the next few weeks.
AR : 28/03/21