All being well the Lockdown restrictions will start to be eased in two weeks’ time from 29th March…
1. From 29th March we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6 as we did before. We expect the first TRC run under these arrangements to be Thursday 1st April. We also expect to have a new system in place to conform to Track & Trace – more details to follow. The Walking group are expected to also start back on Thursday 1st April. Note the hour changes on Sun 28th March so lighter nights for our runs in April.
2. From 12th April the Gym & Swimming Pool at the Leisure Centre will re open. The groups of 6 meeting outside is still applicable.
3. From 17th May the size of Groups meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre can be increased to 30 – although we may decide to continue to split into smaller Groups.
4. From 21st June all restrictions are removed and we could go back to meeting indoors at the Leisure Centre if we want to. We still have access to our old room on a Thursday night if we want to use it. We will run another check on what Members want to do before we decide to go back indoors.
This is the latest England Athletics Statement from 24th February…
TRC Membership Renewal 2021/22
Our new Membership year starts 1 April 2021. As you all know we waived all Club fees for last year due to not being able to function as normal due to Covid. However, all being well, we can start moving back to ‘normal’ as from 29th March and we intend to collect fees for the year starting 1 April 2021. The Club fees will be maintained at the same level we collected for 2019.
England Athletics (EA) Membership is additional to the TRC Club fees. TRC Members pay an additional £10 for being an EA Member. All fees, including EA fees, and payment options are detailed on the Membership Form.
We have a new on-line TRC Membership form that all Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read and complete the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April. If you are paying by Bank Transfer then please remember to include your surname in the BACS reference.
On-line TRC Membership Form :
All the activities below should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.
1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
If you fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday. Last few weeks as we plan to close the café when we get back to Thursday Club Night!
Recurring Invite – Meeting ID: 996 2821 3798 Passcode: 523348
2. Run Groups & Leaders for when we return
With the resumption of the club approaching fast Captain Kevin will be arranging the new leader rota in the next few days. If you are a Run Leader or Assistant Run Leader look out for the e-mail coming soon so we can get ready to run together again! Next week’s e-mail will contain details of the new format for Tuesday Coaching Night and look out for the details of the new Track & trace system for Tuesdays & Thursdays.
3. Run your way around local Archaeological sites
Jim Williams has kindly put together a run around local archaeological sites. Hope those of you who have already requested the route have enjoyed your run. The route is 9 mile over mixed road, field and woods so good for runners and walker too. If you would like a copy of Jim’s very professional 3 page guide please contact Kevin (Wood) – Please share your run by posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram
4. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays
Only TWO more Virtual Fitness sessions left with Taryn to get your run body back, assuming we are able to resume group running on 1st April. There was a Zoom problem for some people this week so two NEW links for the final two weeks:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)
17th March
Meeting ID: 984 8762 5263 Passcode: 698876
24th March
Meeting ID: 971 1214 3170 Passcode: 427202
5. Heart Rate Calculator
There are a number of ways to calculate your maximum heart rate (HR max) from which you can find your training zones. If you are following the 80/20 training approach these are important numbers to understand. The most frequently used formulae doesn’t always give the best answer, for examples it doesn’t take into account gender.
If you would like to find out your HR max and the HR for your training zones Kevin (Wood) has created an app. Just enter your age and HR rest and it will show you your HR for 5 training zones using different HR max formulae. Please e-mail Kevin (Wood)
6. Coaching Survey Results
The results are in! Thank you to the 59 people who submitted their views in the club coaching survey. Here is a summary of results:
• Are you interested in receiving running coaching? 88.1% Yes; 11.9% No
• Which group do you normally run with on a Thursday club night? – 28.8% – 8 minute; 25.4% – 7 minute; 22% – 9 minute; 20.3% – 11 minute; 3.5% 5km & walking group
• What is your typical 5km time? (not PB) – 10.2% under 20 min; 40.7% – 20-25 mins; 28.8% – 25-30 mins; 20.3% Over 30 mins
• Do you attend Tuesday club night session? (when sessions are available) – 40.7% frequently; 23.7% never; 18.6% sometimes (1/month); 16.9% occasionally (less than once per month)
• What sort of coaching would you be interested in? – Intervals / hills – 67.9% (36); S&C 58.5% (31); Guided Runs 50.9% (27); Track Sessions 47.2% (25); Injury Prevention 47.2% (25); Nutrition Advice 30.2% (16) [Note: 11 other topics / comments submitted]
• Would you be interested in 1:1 coaching / training plans to help meet a specific goal? – Yes & maybe 78%; No 22%
7. TRC CoVid Running Code
The Covid Running code will still apply when we get back to running in Groups of 6 again. See club website for details
8. Diary Dates :
• TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom. This coincides with a big day in the timetable for the easing of restrictions – we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6! If you have anything to raise at the AGM please send to the Secretary:
• Thornbury Park Run – Saturday 5th June. All Park Runs are planned to recommence on the same day
• Shepperdine Marathon – Sunday 25 April 09.00 (and Half Marathon) UK Permit given.
That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to
AR : 14/03/21