No change this week and there is still no definite date on when the current restrictions will be reviewed. Lockdown3 measures will be looked at on 15th February but Boris has said “The lockdown will last for at least seven weeks, with measures to be reviewed during half-term week. Any relaxation would not come into effect before 22 February.”
Latest England Athletics Statement from 8th January is here…
As a result of everyone being required to stay at home, except for specific purposes as outlined by the UK Govt guidance, the impact on our sport includes the following with immediate effect and until further notice:
• The suspension of all face-to-face indoor and outdoor club / group activity.
• The suspension of all outdoor competitions including track and field, cross country, road, trail, fell and multi-terrain running.
• The suspension of all face-to-face coaches’ and officials’ education.
• The suspension of any other face-to-face club / group training sessions, events, athlete camps, running groups or other social events as well as club committee or other meetings.
• Indoor gyms and facilities will remain closed.
What you can do:
Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person.
Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.
During this Lockdown period your Committee has arranged for various activities to keep you occupied as detailed below. All these activities should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page. See the ‘Club weekly Activity Summary’ attached here for a handy pocket guide.Club Weekly Activity Summary 210121
1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The Zoom Café was set to run for a 3 week trial. After the second meeting last week it was voted by participants that we continue with this weekly informal chat as everyone was enjoying it. Below are the links until the end of February, along with passcodes as two people had trouble logging in this week:
28th January Meeting ID: 971 1470 1632 Passcode: 937811
4th February Meeting ID: 979 1265 4835 Passcode: 756055
11th February Meeting ID: 924 9303 0189 Passcode: 995386
18th February Meeting ID: 942 1736 8984 Passcode: 721826
25th February Meeting ID: 940 0366 0576 Passcode: 566911
2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge
We are off! The numbers have swelled and we now have 20 people in the team heading from Land’s End to John O’Groats. If you would like to join in this TRC only team event it is not too late. This is a team event, based on distance not time. Each week the total team mileage is added up to see how far the whole team has progressed. If every team member does 10 miles the team moves ahead 200 miles. Results are mailed out to the team and posted each Monday.
Please e-mail if you would like to join in. Many apologies, there was a mistake in the e-mail address last week, so if you think you have e-mailed Kevin and not received a reply, please resend
3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays
Following the success of the Virtual Fitness Sessions with Mel and Taryn last year we are pleased to announce sessions for 2021. As before the 45 min sessions will be delivered via Zoom. The only differences are:
• All sessions will be on Wednesday, not Thursday, starting at 7:00 pm.
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest to get the Zoom link. The links will be published in the weekly club e-mail to all members.
Thanks to Mel and Taryn for giving up their time to run these sessions for us all.
The current schedule for the next few weeks, which may be altered if situations change, is:
Date Session Leader Time Zoom link
27-Jan Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm
03-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm
10-Feb Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm
17-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm
4. Virtual Coached Running Improver Program – Tuesdays
For those looking to improve their run times Phil Lucker has put together a program exclusively for TRC.
• There are a total of four session over 8 weeks with each session delivered twice, in case you miss a session or are not available (For examples you attend session 1 on 19/1 or 26/1)
• The sessions are highly interactive so please come along with your questions
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. Zoom links which are shown below.
Thanks to Phil and Running Revolutions for supporting TRC and local running in this way.
Day Session Time
Tuesday 19/1 & 26/1 1. Let’s think about…. Running 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 2/2 & 9/2 2. Let’s think about…. Training 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 16/2 & 23/2 3. Let’s think about….. Physical Prep 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 2/3 & 9/3 4. Let’s think about….. Racing 20:00 – 21:00
Zoom links:
Date Zoom
5. Virtual Fitness Sessions for Runners – Mondays & Thursdays
Also pleased to announce that Phil Lucker has offered his twice weekly Virtual Runner Fitness session to TRC members at no cost.
• There are a total of four session each week, two on Monday and two on Thursday (see below).
• The ‘Circuits for Runner’ is a HITT sessions specific to runners and the ‘Flexibility & Movement’ session focuses on the mobility needs of runners.
• Attend as little or often as you want
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. The Zoom links are shown below.
Please note that Thornbury Hockey Club also attend these sessions.
Day Session Time
Monday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30
Thursday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30
Monday Zoom
Meeting ID: 878 2953 5460 Passcode: 1234
Thursday Zoom
Meeting ID: 813 8259 2302 Passcode: 1234
6. TRC Run & Talk
Fed up with Lockdown and running on your own or stopped running? Fancy a run and a chat but lost your motivation? Why not contact to find a buddy to run with? Looking after one’s physical and mental health is even more important during the pandemic, luckily running does both.
There are many Club members who are missing being able to run with others during this time so why not drop us an email and we can put you in touch with another Club member local to you who would be keen to have someone to run with. Members who have been run buddies have found it both rewarding and mutually beneficial
Also, don’t forget to try the Zoom Cafe – another way of keeping in touch and staying motivated”
7. TRC CoVid Running Code
As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running.
As the CoVID pandemic continues unabated there is increased nervousness from other footpath users vying for the same space as ourselves. This code applies to running on your own as well as groups. It’s designed to hopefully help mitigate any possible negative reaction towards runners from other users of the limited footpaths we share around Thornbury.
1. Always run – and be seen to be running – with physical distance between runners.
2. Try to avoid areas which we know will be busy with people walking. Where possible avoid single track passing places and if you find that you cannot pass with sufficient physical distance, stop and turn around, going back to a ‘safe passing place’
3. When running towards people approaching from the front
• Revert to single file running (and stop talking):
• Be the first to move, creating as much physical distance as you can (i.e. not just 2m)
• Move early & move in an exaggerated way
• Smile at people/wave as you pass (no need to talk) and thank them loudly afterwards if they have moved over too, or stopped
4. If you are approaching people from behind:
• Announce your presence and announce it in good time – don’t want until the last minute to give other footpath users the time to move if they wish.
• Again, move early and create sufficient physical distance
• Find a way which you are comfortable with to let them know you are coming (runners generally don’t carry bells!) so that we don’t startle them.
• Acknowledge them with a wave of the hand.
5. If you stop for a break, don’t clog up the pavement to allow other users to get past.
Although these guidelines are pretty obviously good practice they are sometimes easy to forget. But hopefully if followed the running club will avoid any negative press aimed at runners.
That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to
AR 22/01/21