Thursday Club Night Leaders
• 7 min – Rob Watkins
• 8 min – Lizzie Williams
• 9 min – Chris Pritchard
• 10 min – Steve Dimond
• 12 min(5k) – Carol Mosses
• Walking – Val James
1. Mob Match vs Chepstow Tuesday 17th August
See separate race report sent earlier. Thanks to the 60 odd Members who ran, marshalled and supported the event. We will certainly have another mob match vs Chepstow next year.
2. EA Run Programme – STARTS Tuesday 31st August 19:00
EA are funding an experienced coach, Kerry Newell, to deliver 3 sessions for us. The intention is to help develop you as runners, to develop the club and to assist the clubs’ coaches develop as coaches. The sessions are open to everyone, although we have agreed to focus in half / full marathon, as this seemed to be the most popular event people were training towards:
Session #1 – 31st August 19:00/ Chantry Playing Fields, Thornbury ~ Threshold training
3. Inside or Out – Thursday 2nd September.
We had 54 votes submitted for the poll – about 30% of the Membership; 24 (44%) voted for inside/inside and 30 (56%) voted for outside / optional inside. Based on this from Thursday 2nd Sept we will meet as follows:
• We will be using the ‘Dance Studio’ which is 2.5 times the size of the old room and has opening doors for improved ventilation. The Room will be available from 6:30 for anyone who wanted to meet inside and leave anything. There will be no announcements.
• People who don’t want to go inside should continue to meet in the car park, as we have done for the past 18 months
• Those inside need to make their way outside via the double opening doors to join the others in the car park for a 7:00 prompt run start.
• After the run tea and biscuits will be available in the Dance Studio for those who want it. We will need to start a new tea rota. Anyone on the run leader rota will be exempted from the tea rota.
• This allows everyone to participate at their own personal comfort level and to adapt as they become more at ease with the situation and / or the weather changes.
4. parkrun of the Month – DATE CHANGE Berkeley Green 28th August -> 4th September
The next parkrun of the month will be Berkeley Green on Saturday 4th September (as the parkrun 28/8 has been cancelled). See you ALL there in cLub colours.
5. EA Running Nutrition Session – Monday 6th September 19:30 – 21:00 On-line
This EA funded session has been organised for TRC in response to the request for a session on nutrition from the Coaching Survey and questions submitted by members. As this is funded by EA they are asking for a list of attendee names. To be sent the link to attend please send your name to See last weeks Bulletin for session details and background on the speaker.
6. Tytherington 10k Cancelled
Delivering a new event takes a lot of planning. Following a detailed risk assessment it was determined that, to run the event even using a large number of marshals (c60) there was still significant risk due to the narrow lanes, blind bends and conflict with traffic, bikes & horses. The committee decided Thursday night by a majority vote that the risks were unacceptable and that we were cancelling this event that was scheduled for Sunday 17th October. We should all thank Ros for the time, effort and energy she has put in to the event to get it this far.
We plan to have a meeting early September focused on our event series for 2022. Anyone who would like to participate please contact
7. Run & Rehydrate #2 – Thursday 23rd September Rockhampton Cricket Club
Another Run & Rehydrate run has been planned for Thursday 23rd September. This is part of the club’s & EA mental health initiative #RunAndTalk and coincides with World Gratitude Day. Thanks to Tom Johnson Rockhampton Cricket club have agreed for us to use their bar. As before the committee has agreed to fund first drinks for everyone.
8. Pete Mainstone Challenge Events
• 29th August – Severn Bridge 10k
• 5th September Woodchester
9. Club Nights
So please don’t attend if you have any COVID symptoms or are self-isolating. For the latest list of COVID symptoms please see: