TRC Bulletin for W/C Monday 13th September

We are meeting both inside TLC (Fitness Studio) and the car park ready for a 7:00pm start run. Tea & biscuits are available after the run inside. We need volunteers for the Tea Rota starting please give your name to Arthur Renshaw.

Thursday Club Night Leaders
• 7 min – Nick Williams
• 8 min – Kev Cundy
• 9 min – Jim Williams
• 10 min – Steve Dimond
• 12 min(5k) – Carol Mosses
• Walking – Val James

Please wear a Hi-Viz top as it is getting dark by the time we get back to TLC


1. Club Dinner Dance?
The Club has typically held two events each year around the Xmas period:
• The ‘Pizza (previously Curry) Night’ at the Cricket Club on the night of the ‘Xmas Lights Run’
• A ‘Club Xmas Dinner Dance’ in early Jan
Both have been very successful, however attendance at the ‘Club Xmas Dinner Dance’ has been declining. An alternative suggestion has been made for the ‘Dinner Dance’, we would like your views on this please. Rather than having a ‘Dinner Dance’ so close in time to the ‘Pizza Night’, we move the ‘Dinner Dance’ to coincide with the Club year end (March / April) to make it a ‘Club Annual Dinner Dance’. We could then make this an event to present the Club annual awards. We would still continue with the ‘Pizza Night’ and ‘Xmas Lights Run’.

We are asking now, as finding venues does take time. Please let us know which option you prefer by 24th September using the link:

2. Gloucester Cross Country League
Great response, we have 29 replies so far. We have 10 ladies and 19 men with 18 people planning to do as many as they can and 11 once or twice. If you are interested in taking part in cross country please register your interest using the link below by 24/9. Thanks.
We have the opportunity to do a block booking, which saves money for the club, so please register. If you are NOT on the list we will assume you are not interested in cross country.
• Round 1 Cirencester Park Sat 30 October (Cirencester AC)
• Round 2 Wotton PARC Sun 12 December (Dursley RC)
• Championship Cotswold Farm Park (Bourton Roadrunners) Sat 8th January
• Round 3 Pittville Park Cheltenham (Cheltenham Harriers)
• Round 4 Old Down Estate Sat 5th March (Stroud AC) or Sunday tbc
• Reserve Course Cirencester Park Course 2 (Running Somewhere Else)

3. London Marathon
Nine TRC members are running London Marathon on 3rd October – (alphabetic order) Ali, Chris, George, Kevin, Mark, Mike, Paul, Sarah and Sonya. I hope I have not missed anyone! Three are running for a charity and would really appreciate your support. Details of the charity for whom they are each running (in alphabetic order):
• George Evans – Friends of Marlwood School (FOMS) – We are raising £2,500 to upgrade the sports courts at Marlwood School
• Chris Foley – Pancreatic Cancer UK – I’m running and fund raising in memory of Andy Dodd, a friend from Thornbury who died 3 years ago from pancreatic cancer.
• Kevin Wood – Young Lives vs Cancer (formally known as CLIC Sargent) – Raising money for childhood cancer support in member of my Daughter Rebecca.

4. Run & Rehydrate #2 – Thursday 23rd Sept, Rockhampton Cricket Club – NEW pavilion
Next run & rehydrate event Tuesday 23rd September at Rockhampton NEW cricket pavilion. This is part of the club’s & EA mental health initiative #RunAndTalk and coincides with World Gratitude Day. As before the committee has agreed to fund first drinks for everyone.

5. Pete Mainstone Challenge
Five events completed and 4 to go in the 2021-22 Pete Mainstone Challenge. For the latest positions in the challenge please see:
• 3rd October Berkeley 10k
• 27th November Having a Mare (Bath Racecourse off road)
• 19th December Chippenham Shortest Day 10k
• Jan/Feb Final Event tba

6. parkrun of the Month – 2nd October
The October parkrun of the month (first Saturday of the month) will be Saturday 2nd October @ Chipping Sodbury. Some of the current crop of runners participating in the beginners course will be running their first 5k at this parkrun, or Thornbury on the previous Saturday, so please lend your support.

7. Running Nutrition
On Monday 35 people from TRC and Chepstow attended an EA sponsored on-line talk and Q&A on ‘Running Nutrition’. Below is the link to the recording of this session. Please note in the passcode it is the letter l (not number 1) Passcode: 2nc&Y=lm

8. EA Run Coaching Programme – Session #2 Monday 18th October (by Zoom)
Monday 18th October 7:00 – 8:30pm. Please join at 6:55 for 7:00 prompt start, thank you:
Meeting ID: 890 4905 7236 Passcode: 871943

9. Club Nights
So please don’t attend if you have any COVID symptoms or are self-isolating. For the latest list of COVID symptoms please see:
