TRC Bulletin for W/C 14/03/22  

Thursday Club Night Leaders

  • 7 min: Rob
  • 8 min: Kev C
  • 9 min: Mike B
  • 10 min:  Arthur
  • 12 min (5k): Nigel
  • Walking: Val

Inside TLC Fitness Studio @ 6:50 or straight to the car park for runs starting at 7:00. Refreshments available after the run in the ‘Fitness Studio’.

Tea Rota

  • 17th Mar : Roger Glew
  • 24th Mar : Hugh McPherson
  • 31st Mar: Sam Prescott
  • 7th April: Nick Langridge

Save the Dates…

  1. Club Charity Vote 2022-23

Three charities have been nominated and you now have until midnight Monday 25th March to vote. Details of the charities and please vote . The winning charity will be announced at the AGM 31/3.

  1. Free 15 min Sports Massage Thursday 24th March

After the Club run 24/3 an opportunity for a free 15 min sports massage in the Fitness Room, TLC. No booking required. If you have any muscular aches or pains that could benefit from a Sports Massage come see Jason from Thornbury Sports Massage. If you have never tried a Sports Massage now’s the time to try.  If you have had one before and know the benefits then try Jason. If you are currently injured, come along early, this could be the treatment you need.

  1. London Marathon

London Marathon ballot results are due 14/3. If you entered and have receive a rejection letter in the ballot you may be eligible for the Club’s London Marathon place. Take a look at Club London Marathon place to see if you qualify.

  1. Membership Renewal 2022-23 Due

Membership for 2022-23 now due please -> Renewal . No increase in membership fees for 2022-23. Already had over 30 renewals, thank you. Please complete the form and accept the new T&C. We would appreciate prompt payment please, especially for those wishing to have individual EA membership subsidy. If you are one of the 8 people who joined since 1/1/22 this does not apply to you, your membership continues until 31/3/23. Questions to

  1. TRC Annual Party & Awards Night – May 20th Thornbury Golf Club

Come along for an evening of celebration, laughter, dancing and yummy food! Tickets for the evening are at the subsidised price of £16 per person for both Club members and guests. Price includes first drink, sumptuous BBQ, Celebration cake and a disco. Purchase ticket/s here: Annual Party & Awards Night Payments to the club bank account shown on the form.  Any questions to

  1. Unique Coaching Opportunity – Sunday 8th May

We have 14 people signed up for the unique opportunity for all club runners to be coached by one of the UK’s leading athletics coaches, Shane Benzie. If you would like to attend please sign up here by 25th March -> Coaching Opportunity If we don’t have 20 people by that date we will review the event. The Club is heavily subsidising this event, as an investment in building the Club, and the cost is just £50 per person. Questions to

  1. Mob Match – Sunday March 27th   39 now signed up. Please sign up now -> Put me on the team All info is shown on the link.

8. EA Run & Coach #3 – Training for a 5K PB 5th April

Third EA Run & Coach session with Kerry Newell, ‘Training for a 5K PB’, is on Tuesday 5th April at Chantry Playing Fields. Full details at Training for 5k PB

  1. Club AGM

The Club AGM is on Thursday 31st March 8:30 in the Fitness Studio TLC. If you have items you would like to raise or if you would like to volunteer for the committee please send to by 28th March.

10.   Club Nights – Last Updated 25/02/22

The government is removing remaining domestic restrictions in England. There are still steps you can take to reduce the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19 We would ask you please to not attend club session if you have any COVID symptoms, thank you. For the latest list of COVID symptoms:
