Track & Trace on Tuesdays & Thursdays – a reminder

Please make sure you complete this form before you attend on a Tuesday or Thursday – each time you attend you need to complete the form either on the day or, if necessary, the day before.

For the club to meet, and keep everyone and their families safe, we are required to have a Track & Trace system. Having a working track & trace system is part of the club’s COVID-secure processes we have to have to operate under Government regulations and EA rules. Without this we would not be allow to run together.

1. How does it work? Before you attend a Tuesday or Thursday session you must please register your intention to attend by going to the appropriate link and answering the questions. There are separate links for Tuesday and Thursday, as the sessions and groups are different. It takes about 30 second to complete. The Links are ->

Thursday Track & Trace Thursday
Tuesday Track & Trace Tuesday

2. When do I do this? Ideally on the day as it asks about the last 14 days prior to attending.

3. What happens if I forget and turn up anyway? When you get home please log in and register your attendance for that session. We will regularly check those on the register versus those that attend, so please help us to keep everyone safe. We will also take group photos, as before, as back up.

4. What happens if I register and then don’t turn up? No action required. No need to change / cancel anything or e-mail anyone.

5. Why can’t I just register once for all future sessions? The questions ask about the last 14 days so you need to do it each time to be up-to-date please, Government rules.

6. Will the links change each week? No, we will use the same links (above) each time, so please keep this e-mail.

7. I use the QR code for the NHS T&T app, do I need to do the club one too? We will have the QR code available to scan, for those who use the NHS app. However we cannot, as a club, access the data on the NHS app, so please can you always use the club link so we know who was present at each session.

8. I have a friend who wants to attend for the first time, can they just show up?
They can, but ideally we would like them to contact as we need them to complete a ‘1st Timer Form’. This is to cover the club for insurance purposes. If they do just show up we will have paper forms in the car park, but this isn’t ideal.

Kevin Wood.
Club Captain 28/03/21