Thornbury Running Club – Notice of AGM 8pm Tuesday 20th October 2020 (Zoom)

We were scheduled to have the last AGM at the end of March 2020 but with lockdown in place we decided to postpone the AGM until the Covid situation was over or at least improved. Here we are 7 months further on and we still can’t hold an indoor meeting and the world has changed since last March!

Your Committee has put in a lot of time and effort to bring back safe running on Club nights and we have had to make a lot of very difficult decisions such as cancelling our three races – the Thornbury 10k, the Oldbury 10 Mile and the Riverbank Rollick. These races were our main source of funding for the Club for the year.

The AGM, which will be held on Zoom, is your opportunity to find out what the Club has been doing over the last year or so and to ask any questions or to raise any issues and to vote in a new Committee to take the Club forward into 2021.

The links through to Zoom and the Agenda will be sent out in due course but if you have anything you would like to raise please send an e-mail to our Secretary ( by Tuesday 13th October and we will include it on the Agenda.

A number of long standing Committee Members are standing down at this AGM so we are looking for about 5 new people to join the Committee going forward. A number of Members had expressed their interest in joining the Committee last March so we will approach them first but we would welcome any other Members wishing to get involved. Send your details to Arthur Renshaw
