The weekly bulletin gets e-mailed to all the Membership and gets opened by around 160 Members every week
The Club only works because Members are prepared to step forward and help across a range of tasks. The Committee is very grateful to all those that are prepared to help and right now we need quite a lot of help. Please see Arthur Renshaw if you are prepared to help with any of the tasks shown below – full training provided! (07810 300025)
- Tea Rota
We all like our tea and biscuits on a Thursday but we are always short of people who are prepared to do tea – you only need to do it about once per year at most.
- Oldbury 10 Mile 2024.
We are looking for a small Team of Members to organise the event in September 2024. We need 3 or 4 people anytime soon for this. Full training & support will be provided
- Committee Membership (Club Year 1st April 24 – 31st March 25)
We are on the lookout for any Members who would consider standing for the Committee. If you are interested, please speak to any Committee Member who will give an idea of what is involved. We have a very successful Club but we would like to introduce some new blood with new ideas into the Committee in 2024-25.
- Thornbury Rotary Swimathon Friday 1st March
TRC has always put in at least one team of 6 for this fun Charity Event except for last year when we couldn’t raise even one team of 6. We can have a slot on Friday from 19.00 or 20.00 for an hour to see how many lengths we can do. We only have 2 people so far and need 4 more by Friday night this week (16th) – For more info see the current weekly bulletin.
- Cotswold Way Relay. Saturday 6th July
We intend to enter two teams in this event but we need a couple of people to step forward to organise. We will need to get our application in by 26th March. Any volunteers to organise please see Captain Nick or any Committee Member.
Thanks for reading this and to those of you who are thinking about helping out.
Arthur Renshaw Chairman