Self Defence Sign up & Other – Bulletin W/c 28th March

Thursday Club Night Leaders

7min:  Jim G? / 8min: Hannah / 9min: Mike B / 10min:  Steve / 12 min (5k): Jim W / Walking: Val

Tea Rota

31st Mar: Sam Prescott / 7th April: Nick Langridge / 14th April: Mel Lloyd / 21st April: Paul Thomas

Save the Dates…

  1. Self Defence

Personal safety is important as many club members run by themselves in less populated locations. I have organised a Krav Maga self-defence session for Saturday 28th May 9:30 – 12:30 at a Club subsidised price of just £9.50, reduced from £15.50 in last week’s bulletin (full price £25.50). We need 20 people for the session first come first served by 29th April please. Sign up link

  1. Membership Renewal EA Due

EA deadline is 1st April so the 40 outstanding members wanting the Club EA subsidy need to please renew by Friday -> Renewal Please complete the form and accept the new T&C. We appreciate prompt payment please. Questions to

  1. TRC Annual Party & Awards Night – May 20th

Please join us for an evening of celebration, laughter, dancing and yummy food at Thornbury Golf Club. Tickets subsidised at £16 person for both Club members and guests. Price includes first drink, sumptuous BBQ, Celebration cake and disco. Purchase ticket/s here: Annual Party & Awards Night Payments to the club bank account shown on the form.  Any questions

  1. Unique Coaching Opportunity – Sunday 8th May

With only 14 signed up from the club and needing 20 to run the session this is now open to non-members at the full price of £100/head. If you have friends in other clubs please let them know. Chepstow, Westbury Harriers, Bitton and B&W have already been contacted and also posted on local Facebook pages. We need final numbers by 14th April. Questions to

  1. EA Run & Coach #3 – Training for a 5K PB 5th April

Third EA Run & Coach session with Kerry Newell, ‘Training for a 5K PB’, is on Tuesday 5th April at Chantry Playing Fields. Full details at Training for 5k PB

  1. Club AGM

The Club AGM is on Thursday 31st March 8:30 in the Fitness Studio TLC. If you have items you would like to raise or if you would like to volunteer for the committee please send to by 28th March.
