For those who have already renewed their Membership a big thank you. For those who have yet to renew, our Membership year starts next week and we will be re-starting Club activities on Thursday 1st April & Tuesday 6th April. (*subject to no further changes in Government Covid directives)
On-line TRC Membership Form :
All Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read, complete and submit the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April.
Please pay on-line to a/c name: Thornbury Running Club; a/c No. 01190517, Bank sort Code 30-12-04, and please include your full name as a reference.
If you do not wish to renew your membership please can you e-mail and we will remove you from the e-mail list and not chase you further for renewal and payment of fees.
Thank you.