A message from Judy Mills to all TRC Members
We have three Teams entered in this event, so now we need 30 runners (plus a couple of reserves).
We will be entering one Vets Team and probably two mixed Teams depending on the number of female runners who wish to take part.
Please look at the webpage https://cotswoldwayrelay.co.uk/ and check you are ok with the rules (this year you will need to download an App and self-time) Let me know by e-mail (address above) if you wish to take part and whether you have a preference for which Stage you run, or if there are any you are unable to run.
We will also need 3 volunteers who may be asked to deal with a road crossing or a water station.
The sooner we can sort out who is running what, the sooner you can sort out a recce of your Stage. They are much better marked than they used to be but somehow someone always manages to get it wrong!
Note the Club will be paying the Entry fees for TRC Members but if you are not an England Athletics Member there will be a surcharge applied by the organisers.
7/05/21 (This message is also on the TRC Members Facebook page