TRC Bulletin for w/c 16th May 2022
7min: Rob / 8min: Hannah / 9min: Chris P / 10min: Suzy / 12 min (5k): Amel / Walking: Val
Tea Rota
19th Nick Langridge / 26th Chris Studley / 2nd June Tom Witherbed / 9th June Run & Rehydrate / 16th June Romeo Maddalena
If you are on tea please remember to bring a litre of milk and get there for 18.50
What’s On …
- May 20th – TRC Annual Party & Awards Night
- May 22nd Sunday 9:00am – ‘Thornbury 10k’ (tester event)
- May 30th – Hogweed Trot (PMC race #2)
- June 9th – Run & Rehydrate Old Down CC (drinks & pizza)
- June 11th – Park run of the month Chipping Sodbury
- July 2nd – Cotswold Way Relay
- July 7th – Tintern Trot (PMC race #3)
- July 14th – TRCs ‘Thornbury 10k’
- August 11th – TRC vs Chepstow mob match (at home)
- Club Championships / 10K Route Tester
The Club Road Race Championship is on Sunday 22nd May over the new Thornbury 10k course and is a straight shoot out head to head with trophies for 1st female and male runners. Starting @ 9:00 by The Anchor in Oldbury. We would like as many people running as possible to make the Club Championship meaningful. This event is also a tester for the course being used for the Thornbury 10k in July (see below). Parking is limited in Oldbury, please share transport. Thank you to all those who have already volunteered to help Marshal.
- Thornbury 10k
The Thornbury 10k is on Thursday 14th July 2022, race starting at 19:30. The Club organises three events each year with profits going to our adopted charity, Bristol Bone Marrow, and to Club activities This enables the Club to fund ‘Run & Rehydrate’, EA membership subsidy, pay individuals cross country entry fees, subsidies Annual Party ticket cost, % on T-shirts etc. Your help makes all this possible. To deliver these events successfully and safely we need a lot of club members to step forward to marshal (60+ in total). Please Volunteer here. Thank you. We also need your help to get more entries. We have 138 so far and need 165 to break even. We will be targeting all local clubs and community Facebook pages. If you have friends or work colleagues that run please direct them to entries. If you have a notice board at work where you can put up a poster please contact for a copy.
More team members needed please. We now have 18 entries for the 30 places in the CWR. Plus 3 yet to pay their £10 deposit, so entries not secured. Please Enter here. We have entered 3 teams, a vets team of our ten fastest over 40 female or male runners and two mixed teams with at least 4 female runners per team.
- Run & Rehydrate 9th June
Normal run groups from Old Down Cricket Club starting at 7:00pm. After the run 1st drink on the club + pizza!
- Coaching Update
It has been decided by the coaching team (Hannah, Nick W & Kevin W) to combine the two coaching groups, Aztec + TLC. The power of a bigger group working together will be good for everyone and also give the coaches a chance to be coached, observe and have holidays! We will meet 2nd & 4th Tuesday each month at WISE track @ 7:30 and the other Tuesday’s at local venue, tbc each week, also at 7:30.
- Pete Mainstone Challenge (PMC)
The 8 events eligible for this 2022-23 Pete Mainstone Challenge and the rules can be found here. Select 3 events from a list of 8 over the Club year. Results from the Berkeley 10k. Event #2 is Hogweed Trot on 30th May.