Club Weekly Bulletin w/c 17/10/22

Thursday Club Night Leaders

Walking – Val / 12 min – Amel/ 10 min – Suzy/ 9 min – Jim W / 8 min – Lizzie / 7 min – Rob

All runs now require Hi-viz and head torches.

Tea Rota                                                      

20/10 – Ellen Perrett / 27/10 – Leighton Prescott / 3/11 – tba

We need more volunteers to help with Tea and biscuits on a Thursday night – please see Arthur Renshaw

What’s On …

  1. TRC Tuesdays – Something for everyone!

A reminder that in addition to the Tuesday Coaching Group that meet at the track or Aztec West there are three other small Groups on a Tuesday:

  • TRC Mid-day 5k Group. Usually led by Ros this group does about 5k on road. Meet TLC top car park 12.00. Let Ros know if you intending going 07743 257838
  • TRC Afternoon off road Group.  Led by Arthur Renshaw & Mel Lloyd. One hour plus off road. Meeting location and time changes depending on run route. Will set-up a WhatsApp Group if required. Contact Arthur Renshaw 07810 300025
  • TRC Evening Steady 5k Group. Meet top car park at 19.00. Informal run with limited routes now it is dark by 19.00 Typically a steady 5k all on road (Hi viz and head torches required). Please check on the ‘TRC 5k Group’ (WhatsApp) to see who else plans to attend. You can decide a route and speed depending on who is there.
  1. TRC Race Series 2023

Entries for the Club’s 2023 Race Series have been open 3 weeks now. We typically need about 170 runners to break even from an event. For the last event, Oldbury 10 miles, we did not reach this number.   Personal  recommendation and word of mouth is very powerful. Please help promote our race series by telling everyone you know.  All  info at Any question please contact


Captain Kevin Wood is away in Japan until the end of the month.
