Club Weekly Bulletin w/c 10/10 – Important Updates

Thursday Club Night Leaders (new)

Walking – Val / 12 min – Nigel / 10 min – Arthur / 9 min – Chris / 8 min – Mel / 7 min – Nick

All runs now require hi-viz and head torches.

Tea Rota                                                      

13/10 – Steve Dimond / 20/10 – Ellen Perrett /  27/10 – Leighton Prescott

What’s On …

  1. TRC Tuesdays – Something for everyone

In addition to the Tuesday Coaching Group that meet at the track or Aztec West there are three other small Groups on a Tuesday:

  • TRC Mid-day 5k Group. Usually led by Ros this group does about 5k on road. Meet TLC top car park 12.00. Let Ros know if you intending going 07743 257838
  • TRC Afternoon off road Group.  Led by Arthur Renshaw & Mel Lloyd. One hour plus off road. Meeting location and time changes depending on run route. This week 14.30 Morton Way Underpass. Will set-up a WhatsApp Group if required. Contact Arthur Renshaw 07810 300025
  • TRC Evening Steady 5k Group. An alternative to the Coaching Group. Meet top car park at 19.00. Informal run with limited routes now it is dark by 19.00 Typically a steady 5k all on road (Hi viz and head torches required). Please check on the ‘TRC 5k Group’ (WhatsApp) to see who else plans to attend. You can decide a route and speed depending on who is there.
  1. Track Time

If you are on the TRC Tues Coaching WhatsApp group you will have already seen this message – Thank you for your votes on track night. The clear preference was Tuesday at 19:00. Due to yet more delays in WISE building program our restart date has been put back to Tues 8th November. We will meet at WISE on 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 7:00 and all other Tuesdays at 7:30 (most likely Aztec in the winter). We will confirm each Tuesday morning, via the TRC Tuesday Coaching WhatsApp group, the time & place. We will continue to look at other options.

  1. Buff, Bottles & Bags

We have buff, bottles and shoe bags available for purchase at £1.50 per item. How can you resist such a tempting offer? This fine array of wares is from our 2022 race series collection and will make you the envy of the running community. Contact Carol

  1. TRC Race Series 2023

Entries for the Club’s 3 event race series for 2023 are now open. Please help by telling everyone you know, as word of mouth is super helpful in getting more entries. More entries means more income, which means more for club activities and being able to keep the membership fee unchanged. All info at Any question please contact

  1. Beginners

A new cohort of 16 beginners started their 9 weeks of sessions on Wednesday 5/10. Thank you to Carol and Natalie for organising the sessions and to all the supports Paul H, Hugh, Amel, Arthur, Carol, Mark, Natalie. Emma P and Chris P  for helping during the 9 weeks. Nice feedback after weeks 1 “I found yesterday a great experience – having never run in a group before”.
