Walking – Val / 12 min – Caron / 10 min – Steve / 9 min – Jim W / 8 min – Hannah / 7 min – Rob
Tea Rota
09/02: Natalie Bennett / 16/02 : tba (Volunteer required) / 23/02 : Chris Foley / 02/03 : Pete Mainstone / 09/03 : Hannah Hamilton
What’s On …
- February 4th – parkrun of the month – Berkeley Green
- February 9th – Hoka Shoe Night
- February 18th – Cross Country (Pitville Park, Cheltenham)
- March 3rd – Swimathon (see below)
- March 5th – Cross Country Over Farm Park
- March 11th – parkrun of the month – Thornbury
- March 31st – Membership Renewal now due
- April 27th – Club Road Race Championships + Run & Rehydrate
- May 4th – Club AGM (All welcome)
- July 1st – Cotswold Way Relay 2023
- Hoka Shoe Night
Following the success of the Saucony shoe night last year I have organised a Hoka shoe session for 9th February. You get to try on and run in a pair of Hoka shoes with no obligation to buy. Arrive in your normal running shoes, find a pair of Hokas that fit in a model you want to try and leave your old shoes behind (like at a bowling alley). Go for a run to see how they feel and come back to your old shoes. Starting at 6:30 pm in the Severnside Suite to get fitted for shoes, before going out for a run at 7:00. Message from Alice (Hoka Rep) – “I will certainly be able to bring along the new Challenger 7 and *fingers crossed* the Clifton 9 Demo kit will have arrived, as that shoe is due for release on the 15th!â€
- Have your say!
In last month’s Bulletin you were asked for your thoughts about the 2023 Annual Club Awards Event. Thank you to the 21 people who responded. The results were overwhelmingly in favour of an informal event. [Results: 2 for more ‘Formal’, 2 ‘Either option is good for me’ and 17 for ‘Informal (like 2022)]’. There were also some helpful comments provided. Thank you also to the people who volunteered to organise the event, I will be in touch shortly.
- How Green is My Club?
EA are beginning to put together policies on sustainability that all clubs need to work towards. I feel strongly that sustainability is something we should adopt as a Club. If anyone would like to get involved, not much time needed, just a chat over a coffee (as long as it’s a recyclable cup!). Please contact me captain@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk .Please find a document here on how TRC can become more sustainable , that I submitted to the committee and which has been agreed.
- Introduction to Running Course – Early notice
From Carol & Natalie: The Introduction to Running Course has been a great way for the Club to support people who are keen to start running, promote running in the local community and attract new members. We need your help please. The next Introduction to Running Course is taking place over 9 weeks on Wednesdays from 19th April to 14th June at 6:45pm from TLC car park, graduation parkrun 17th June. We already have 4 people interested. If you are able to support the next course on 2 or 3 evenings that would be great. We need 2 people each week. Please contact Carol Mosses beginners@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk. Please can you also share the advert and link which will be sent to all WhatsApp groups next month to encourage beginners to sign up for the course. Thank you. We will remind you in March.
- Club Charity Nomination
Each year the Club adopts a charity to support. For 2022-23 it has been Bristol Bone Marrow / Anthony Nolan Trust. We ask members to nominate charities they would like the club to support and then ask the members to vote for one charity to support for the year from the list of nominations. If you would like to nominate a charity please submit details here by Tuesday 28th February. The list of nominated Charities will then be listed in the March Club Bulletin for you to vote on. The winning charity will be announced at the AGM. Thank you.
- Swimarathon
The Club will be entering 2 or 3 teams, depending upon interest, in the popular Rotary Club Swimarathon on Friday March 3rd at 20:15. The event is open to teams of up to 6 people swimming in relay for 55 minutes Please note this is a sponsored event and we are therefore asking each swimmer to donate £10 rather than get sponsorship (i.e. £60 per team). The two headline Rotary charities this year are Paul’s Place and Young Carers South . If you are interested in taking part please see Arthur or e-mail chairman@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk
- First Ultra
Message from Ben (Foss) – This is my first go at an ultra-distance so I thought it would be a great opportunity to raise money for a good cause. I have decided to raise money in support of the Miscarriage Association. I will be running the BigWayRound which is a 50k race around Winchester. The race will take place on 01/05/2023. Please find my JustGiving page here. Miscarriages affect a lot of families and for most it is too hard to even talk about it. I want to run for all those parents who have lost one and all the little ones who never made it.
Please join us for the 2023 Club Road Race Championships on Thursday 27th April for a 7:00 pm run start. This event is open to ALL club members and is a great opportunity for us all to run together. Starting close to The Anchor Inn Oldbury and running over the new Thornbury 10k course (reverse direction to 2022). This is a straight shoot out single race with trophies for 1st female and 1st male runners. First drinks free for all participants and marshals. We also plan to use this event to present our Club charity (Bristol Bone Marrow / Anthony Nolan Trust) with a cheque. More details to follow in the next Bulletin.
- Pete Mainstone Challenge ‘22 – ‘23 and beyond ….
The 2022-23 PMC results are in! Both the Ladies outright and age adjusted competitions were close with Hannah (Hamilton) 1st in both competitions. Jo, Karen and Carol had an equal points total. We foresaw this and developed a devilish and full proof approach to a ‘tie break’. Applying the tie break the result was Jo (Plumbley) 2nd and Karen (Carr) 3rd in both competitions. In the Men’s outright competition it was close at the top with Phil (Blackburn) 1st, Paul (Harrod) 2nd and Chris (Foley) 3rd. In the Men’s age-adjusted Nick (Langridge) once again prevailed, followed by Chris (Foley) and Paul (Harrod). Overall there were 19 men taking part, and only 6 Ladies. 7 men took part in 3 scoring events. One Lady took part in 2 and the others only 1 event. Since 40% of the Club is currently Ladies they were under represented in this competition. Overall less than 15% of the Club membership took part. I would like to make this more appealing and compelling to take part in and would be interested to hear your ideas, comments and thoughts. Contact captain@thornburyrunningclub.co.uk Thanks to Nick L for being the score keeper and posting the results.
- Endurance Life Code
Our new 10% event entry discount code is TRC23. It will expire on 01/07/2023. Full event listings are available at www.endurancelife.com including details of our new team relay event at Exmoor in June.