Category Archives: Members

TRC from Monday 15th March

All being well the Lockdown restrictions will start to be eased in two weeks’ time from 29th March…

1. From 29th March we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6 as we did before. We expect the first TRC run under these arrangements to be Thursday 1st April. We also expect to have a new system in place to conform to Track & Trace – more details to follow. The Walking group are expected to also start back on Thursday 1st April. Note the hour changes on Sun 28th March so lighter nights for our runs in April.

2. From 12th April the Gym & Swimming Pool at the Leisure Centre will re open. The groups of 6 meeting outside is still applicable.

3. From 17th May the size of Groups meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre can be increased to 30 – although we may decide to continue to split into smaller Groups.

4. From 21st June all restrictions are removed and we could go back to meeting indoors at the Leisure Centre if we want to. We still have access to our old room on a Thursday night if we want to use it. We will run another check on what Members want to do before we decide to go back indoors.

This is the latest England Athletics Statement from 24th February…

TRC Membership Renewal 2021/22

Our new Membership year starts 1 April 2021. As you all know we waived all Club fees for last year due to not being able to function as normal due to Covid. However, all being well, we can start moving back to ‘normal’ as from 29th March and we intend to collect fees for the year starting 1 April 2021. The Club fees will be maintained at the same level we collected for 2019.

England Athletics (EA) Membership is additional to the TRC Club fees. TRC Members pay an additional £10 for being an EA Member. All fees, including EA fees, and payment options are detailed on the Membership Form.

We have a new on-line TRC Membership form that all Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read and complete the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April. If you are paying by Bank Transfer then please remember to include your surname in the BACS reference.

On-line TRC Membership Form :

All the activities below should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday. Last few weeks as we plan to close the café when we get back to Thursday Club Night!

Recurring Invite – Meeting ID: 996 2821 3798 Passcode: 523348

2. Run Groups & Leaders for when we return

With the resumption of the club approaching fast Captain Kevin will be arranging the new leader rota in the next few days. If you are a Run Leader or Assistant Run Leader look out for the e-mail coming soon so we can get ready to run together again! Next week’s e-mail will contain details of the new format for Tuesday Coaching Night and look out for the details of the new Track & trace system for Tuesdays & Thursdays.

3. Run your way around local Archaeological sites

Jim Williams has kindly put together a run around local archaeological sites. Hope those of you who have already requested the route have enjoyed your run. The route is 9 mile over mixed road, field and woods so good for runners and walker too. If you would like a copy of Jim’s very professional 3 page guide please contact Kevin (Wood) – Please share your run by posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram

4. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

Only TWO more Virtual Fitness sessions left with Taryn to get your run body back, assuming we are able to resume group running on 1st April. There was a Zoom problem for some people this week so two NEW links for the final two weeks:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)

17th March
Meeting ID: 984 8762 5263 Passcode: 698876
24th March
Meeting ID: 971 1214 3170 Passcode: 427202

5. Heart Rate Calculator

There are a number of ways to calculate your maximum heart rate (HR max) from which you can find your training zones. If you are following the 80/20 training approach these are important numbers to understand. The most frequently used formulae doesn’t always give the best answer, for examples it doesn’t take into account gender.
If you would like to find out your HR max and the HR for your training zones Kevin (Wood) has created an app. Just enter your age and HR rest and it will show you your HR for 5 training zones using different HR max formulae. Please e-mail Kevin (Wood)

6. Coaching Survey Results

The results are in! Thank you to the 59 people who submitted their views in the club coaching survey. Here is a summary of results:
• Are you interested in receiving running coaching? 88.1% Yes; 11.9% No
• Which group do you normally run with on a Thursday club night? – 28.8% – 8 minute; 25.4% – 7 minute; 22% – 9 minute; 20.3% – 11 minute; 3.5% 5km & walking group
• What is your typical 5km time? (not PB) – 10.2% under 20 min; 40.7% – 20-25 mins; 28.8% – 25-30 mins; 20.3% Over 30 mins
• Do you attend Tuesday club night session? (when sessions are available) – 40.7% frequently; 23.7% never; 18.6% sometimes (1/month); 16.9% occasionally (less than once per month)
• What sort of coaching would you be interested in? – Intervals / hills – 67.9% (36); S&C 58.5% (31); Guided Runs 50.9% (27); Track Sessions 47.2% (25); Injury Prevention 47.2% (25); Nutrition Advice 30.2% (16) [Note: 11 other topics / comments submitted]
• Would you be interested in 1:1 coaching / training plans to help meet a specific goal? – Yes & maybe 78%; No 22%

7. TRC CoVid Running Code

The Covid Running code will still apply when we get back to running in Groups of 6 again. See club website for details

8. Diary Dates :

• TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom. This coincides with a big day in the timetable for the easing of restrictions – we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6! If you have anything to raise at the AGM please send to the Secretary:

• Thornbury Park Run – Saturday 5th June. All Park Runs are planned to recommence on the same day

• Shepperdine Marathon – Sunday 25 April 09.00 (and Half Marathon) UK Permit given.

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to
AR : 14/03/21

TRC Membership Renewals 2021-22

This is a gentle reminder to all existing Members to please renew your Membership before the end of this month. England Athletics (EA) Membership is also due for renewal before 1 April.

Our new Membership year starts 1 April 2021. As you all know we waived all Club fees for last year due to not being able to function as normal due to Covid. However, all being well, we can start moving back to ‘normal’ as from 29th March and we intend to collect fees for the year starting 1 April 2021. The Club fees will be maintained at the same level we collected for 2019.

• First Claim TRC Membership £25
• Additional adult family Member £20
• Second Claim/Associates/Social Member £15
• Student Member (NUS card) £10

England Athletics (EA) Membership is additional to the TRC Club fees. Current EA Members will have received an e-mail from EA in the past few weeks detailing the fees and benefits of being an EA Member. EA charge £15 but TRC subsidises this by £5 so TRC Members pay an additional £10 for being an EA Member.

All fees, including EA fees, and payment options are detailed on the Membership Form.

We have a new on-line TRC Membership form that all Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read and complete the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April. If you are paying by Bank Transfer then please remember to include your surname in the BACS reference.

On-line TRC Membership Form :

Many thanks to those of you who have already returned their completed Membership Forms and have paid their fees.

AR 12/03/21

TRC from Monday 8th March

Until 28th March we still have a further 3 weeks of carrying on with the present restrictions. Club Nights are cancelled and we are not meeting as groups. What you can do is shown below….

Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person. Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.

All being well restrictions will start to be eased from 29th March…

1. From 29th March we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6 as we did before. We expect the first TRC run under these arrangements to be Thursday 1st April. We also expect to have a new system in place to conform to Track & Trace – more details to follow. The Walking group are expected to also start back on Thursday 1st April. Note the hour changes on Sun 28th March so lighter nights for our runs in April.

2. From 12th April the Gym & Swimming Pool at the Leisure Centre will re open. The groups of 6 meeting outside is still applicable.

3. From 17th May the size of Groups meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre can be increased to 30 – although we may decide to continue to split into smaller Groups.

4. From 21st June all restrictions are removed and we could go back to meeting indoors at the Leisure Centre if we want to. We still have access to our old room on a Thursday night if we want to use it. We will run another check on what Members want to do before we decide to go back indoors.

This is the latest England Athletics Statement from 24th February…


TRC Membership Renewal 2021/22

Our new Membership year starts 1 April 2021. As you all know we waived all Club fees for last year due to not being able to function as normal due to Covid. However, all being well, we can start moving back to ‘normal’ as from 29th March and we intend to collect fees for the year starting 1 April 2021. The Club fees will be maintained at the same level we collected for 2019.
• First Claim TRC Membership £25
• Additional adult family Member £20
• Second Claim/Associates/Social Member £15
• Student Member (NUS card) £10

England Athletics (EA) Membership is additional to the TRC Club fees. Current EA Members will have received an e-mail from EA in the past week detailing the fees and benefits of being an EA Member. EA charge £15 but TRC subsidises this by £5 so TRC Members pay an additional £10 for being an EA Member. All fees, including EA fees, and payment options are detailed on the Membership Form.

We have a new on-line TRC Membership form that all Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read and complete the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April. If you are paying by Bank Transfer then please remember to include your surname in the BACS reference

On-line TRC Membership Form :

All the activities below should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday. Last few weeks as we plan to close the café when we get back to Thursday Club Night!

Recurring Invite – Meeting ID: 996 2821 3798 Passcode: 523348

2. Run your way around local Archaeological sites

Now is a good time to go out and explore local sites. Jim Williams has kindly put together a run around local archaeological sites. The route is 9 mile over mixed road, field and woods so good for runners and walker too. Thank you Jim.If you would like a copy of Jim’s 3 page guide please contact Please share your run by posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram. It would be great to see people from the club following the route.

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

Only 3 more Virtual Fitness sessions with Taryn if we are able to get back group running on 1st April:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)

Recurring invite –
Meeting ID: 956 7719 3506 Passcode: 555963

4. Club Coaching Survey

Thank you to all those who have responded, we have had 50 replies so far to the survey. Please can you reply by 12th March, it only takes 2-3 minutes, and we will then share the results and our plans with you.

Your Club coaches (Nick Williams, Phil Lucker, Paul Harrod, Ros Rowland & Kevin Wood) have plans to make changes to the Tuesday sessions and would welcome your input and ideas please.

5. Phil Lucker
Our Coach Phil Lucker has been elected to the South West Regional Council for England Athletics. TRC was one of Phil’s nominating Clubs so we are very pleased to see he was elected to represent the Clubs and athletes in the South West.

6. Bath Half (Virtual)
Last call, if you have entered the event and would like to find a run buddy please e-mail with your pace / estimated time and when you plan to run it.

7. Heart Rate Calculator

For those of you who attended PhilLucker’s coaching sessions on a Tuesday recently you will remember the final session discussion on heart rate. There are a number of ways to calculate your maximum heart rate (HR max) from which you can find your training zones. The most frequently used formulae doesn’t always give the best answer. For examples it doesn’t take into account gender.
If you would like to find out your HR max and the HR for your training zones Kevin (Wood) has created an app. Just enter your age and HR rest and it will show you your HR for 4 training zones using different HR max formulae. Please e-mail

8. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running. See club website for details

9. Diary Dates

• TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom. This coincides with a big day in the timetable for the easing of restrictions – we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6! If you have anything to raise at the AGM please send to the Secretary:

• Thornbury Park Run – Saturday 5th June. All Park Runs are planned to recommence on the same day

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to
AR : 07/03/21

TRC from Tuesday 2nd March

Until 28th March we still have a further 4 weeks of carrying on with the present restrictions. Club Nights are cancelled and we are not meeting as groups. What you can do is shown below….

Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person. Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.

All being well restrictions will start to be eased from 29th March…

1. From 29th March we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6 as we did before. We expect the first TRC run under these arrangements to be Thursday 1st April. We also expect to have a new system in place to conform to Track & Trace – more details to follow. The Walking group are expected to also start back on Thursday 1st April. Note the hour changes on Sun 28th March so lighter nights for our runs in April.

2. From 12th April the Gym & Swimming Pool at the Leisure Centre will re open. The groups of 6 meeting outside is still applicable.

3. From 17th May the size of Groups meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre can be increased to 30 – although we may decide to continue to split into smaller Groups.

4. From 21st June all restrictions are removed and we could go back to meeting indoors at the Leisure Centre if we want to. We still have access to our old room on a Thursday night if we want to use it. We will run another check on what Members want to do before we decide to go back indoors.

This is the latest England Athletics Statement from 24th February…


TRC Membership Renewal 2021/22

Our new Membership year starts 1 April 2021. As you all know we waived all Club fees for last year due to not being able to function as normal due to Covid. However, all being well, we can start moving back to ‘normal’ as from 29th March and we intend to collect fees for the year starting 1 April 2021. The Club fees will be maintained at the same level we collected for 2019.
• First Claim TRC Membership £25
• Additional adult family Member £20
• Second Claim/Associates/Social Member £15
• Student Member (NUS card) £10

England Athletics (EA) Membership is additional to the TRC Club fees. Current EA Members will have received an e-mail from EA in the past week detailing the fees and benefits of being an EA Member. EA charge £15 but TRC subsidises this by £5 so TRC Members pay an additional £10 for being an EA Member. All fees, including EA fees, are detailed on the Membership Form.

We have a new on-line TRC Membership form that all Members, including additional family members, need to complete and return their own form – we need to make sure you all accept the Terms & Conditions of Membership. Please read and complete the Membership form and make your payment by Wed 31st March – this is particularly important for Members wanting to continue their EA Membership which commences on 1st April. If you are paying by Bank Transfer then please remember to include your surname in the BACS reference.

On-line TRC Membership Form :

All the activities below should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you just fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday.
Recurring Zoom Invite – Meeting ID: 996 2821 3798 Passcode: 523348

2. NEW Run your way around local Archaeological sites

It’s getting warmer and the evenings are getting lighter, now is a good time to go out and explore. Jim (Williams) has kindly put together a 9 mile mixed road, field and woods run around local archaeological site. Thank you Jim.
If you would like a copy of Jim’s 3 page guide please contact
It would be great to see people from the club following the route. Please share you run by posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

The schedule for the Virtual Fitness Sessions have been extended until end March. Taryn will be running all of the session now.

If you have not attended before:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)
If you have not attended before:
Recurring Zoom invite – Meeting ID: 956 7719 3506 Passcode: 555963

4. Club Coaching Survey

Thank you to all those who have already responded. As we begin to plan for club nights from 1st April (if things go to Boris’ plan) and events start to reappear we wanted to understand how we can help members regain race fitness. Your Club coaches (Nick Williams, Phil Lucker, Paul Harrod, Ros Rowland & Kevin Wood) have been looking at various ideas and would like your opinions please.
We plan to make changes to the Tuesday sessions and would welcome your input and ideas please. Please follow the link below to the survey which will only take 2-3 minutes to complete. Please can you reply by 12th March and we will then share the results and our plans with you. See the updated ‘TRC Coaching Team’ webpage.

Club Coaching Survey:

5. Bath Half (Virtual)

Are you entered into the Virtual Bath Half? We had planned to organise pace groups for the Virtual Bath Half on 13-14th March however lockdown rules will not be relaxed in time.
You can however run socially distanced from another runner. If you have entered the event and would like to find a run buddy please e-mail with your pace / estimated time and when you plan to run it.

6. TRC #RunandTalk

Thornbury Running Club is now officially part of the #RunandTalk program. The #RunandTalk program aims to get people talking about Mental Health, removing stigma and supporting those experiencing mental health problems. TRC’s program will be led by the Mental health Champions
Carol Mosses, Emma Pritchard, Hugh McPherson and Laura Orna. The Champions are looking forward to sharing their exciting plans with you and to start the conversation about Mental Health
How can the Champions help you? The Champions are able to signpost individuals to Mental Health Support, although please do speak to them at club nights or via email if you ever just need a chat. Just remember we aren’t trained Mental Health Support Workers.
What activities are happening? If you are looking for a running buddy whilst we are in Lockdown then the Champions are very happy to help you find someone to run with. Also if you would be happy for us to contact you if we have someone looking for a buddy please drop us an email. Depending on what 2021 brings we will have a variety of online, virtual and in person campaigns and events.
How to contact us? Either find us at club night or email

7. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you are running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running. See club website for details

8. Diary Dates :

• TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom. This coincides with a big day in the timetable for the easing of restrictions – we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6! If you have anything to raise at the AGM please send to the Secretary:

• Thornbury Park Run Saturday 5th June – All Park Runs are planned to recommence on the same day.

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to

AR : 02/03/21

TRC from Tuesday 23rd February

Following on from last night’s announcement of the “Four Steps to Freedom” we now have some dates to work towards. As Boris said last night these are the earliest dates and there may be delays if the data and the science suggests we are moving too fast.

From now until 28th March we have a further 5 weeks of carrying on with the present restrictions. Club Nights are cancelled and we are not meeting as groups. What you can do is shown below….

Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person. Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.

All being well restrictions will start to be eased from 29th March…

1. From 29th March we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6 as we did before. Track & Trace will be on so all will have to register as we did previously. Note the hour changes on Sun 28th March so lighter nights for our runs.

2. From 12th April the Gym & Swimming Pool at the Leisure Centre will re open. The groups of 6 meeting outside is still applicable.

3. From 17th May the size of Groups meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre can be increased to 30 – although we may decide to continue to split into smaller Groups.

4. From 21st June all restrictions are removed and we could go back to meeting indoors at the Leisure Centre if we want to. We still have access to our old room on a Thursday night if we want to use it. We will run another check on what Members want to do before we decide to go back indoors.

This is the latest England Athletics Statement from 22nd February…

All the activities below should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you just fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday.
25th February Meeting ID: 940 0366 0576 Passcode: 566911

Recurring Invite Meeting ID: 996 2821 3798 Passcode: 523348

2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge – LEJOG Finish

Sunday 14ht Feb saw the finish of the LEJOG virtual event. At the start of the week Thornbury Trotters (TT) had narrowed the gap on Judy’s Joggers (JJ) to 15.2 miles, from 33.15 miles the previous week. This meant, with the finish line in reach for both teams, the race was on.
TT got off to a great start on Monday and had JJ in their sights. TT ran 43.8 miles compared to JJs 32.82 miles and had narrowed the lead JJ had to just 4.22 miles. However JJ responded strongly on Tuesday, with 54.14 miles compared to TT 15.83 miles, to open up a 39.94 mile lead by the end of the day. Sadly 4.22 miles was as close as TT got to JJ and the lead extended throughout the rest of the week. By the Wednesday night JJ had 32.67 miles to run and smashed through this on Thursday to reach John O’Groats. Meanwhile TT had just 12.01 miles to run Friday night and completed the distance on Saturday.
Over the four weeks JJ ran a grand total of 992.73 miles and TT 934.41 miles giving JJ a margin of 58.32 miles.
Judy has suggested we use the spare virtual miles to visit the Two Heads. Dunnet Head, which is the real most northerly point of the British mainland, and Duncansby Head is as far as you can go east without coming back down south again.
Thanks to everyone for taking part, enjoy a well-deserved rest. Bockenem next?!

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

The schedule for the Virtual Fitness Sessions have been extended until end March. Taryn will be running all of the session now
If you have not attended before:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)
If you have not attended before:

24th Feb onwards (recurring invite – Every week on Wed, until Apr 7, 2021, 7 occurrences)
Meeting ID: 956 7719 3506 Passcode: 555963

4. Club Coaching Survey

As we begin to plan for running in groups again soon and events start to reappear we wanted to understand how we can help members regain race fitness. Your Club coaches (Nick Williams, Phil Lucker, Paul Harrod, Ros Rowland & Kevin Wood) have been looking at various ideas and would like your opinions please.
We plan to make changes to the Tuesday sessions and would welcome your input and ideas please. To make this easy a short survey has been created. Please follow the link below to the survey which should only take 2-3 minutes to complete: Please can you reply by 12th March and we will then share the results and our plans with you. See the updated ‘TRC Coaching Team’ webpage.

Club Coaching Survey:

5. Bath Half

We had planned to organise pace groups for the Virtual Bath Half on 13-14th March if lockdown rules had allowed this. Clearly the rules will not have been relaxed so this won’t be possible.
You can however run socially distanced from another runner. If you have entered the event and would like to find a run buddy please e-mail with your pace / estimated time and when you plan to run it.

6. TRC #RunandTalk

Thornbury Running Club is now officially part of the #RunandTalk program. The #RunandTalk program aims to get people talking about Mental Health, removing stigma and supporting those experiencing mental health problems. TRC’s program will be led by the Mental health Champions
Carol Mosses, Emma Pritchard, Hugh McPherson and Laura Orna. The Champions are looking forward to sharing their exciting plans with you and to start the conversation about Mental Health
How can the Champions help you? The Champions are able to signpost individuals to Mental Health Support, although please do speak to them at club nights or via email if you ever just need a chat. Just remember we aren’t trained Mental Health Support Workers.
What activities are happening? If you are looking for a running buddy whilst we are in Lockdown then the Champions are very happy to help you find someone to run with. Also if you would be happy for us to contact you if we have someone looking for a buddy please drop us an email. Depending on what 2021 brings we will have a variety of online, virtual and in person campaigns and events.
How to contact us? Either find us at club night or email

7. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running. See club website for details

8. Diary Date : TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom.

This coincides with a big day in the timetable for the easing of restrictions – we can go back to meeting in the car park at the Leisure Centre and run in groups of up to 6!

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to
AR 23/02/21

TRC from Tuesday 16th February

This week’s e-mail has been delayed pending Boris saying anything of note last night. (Monday evening) As you probably all now know there are no dates and no timetable for us coming out of Lockdown3 so nothing will change for the next few weeks at least. We now wait for an announcement next Monday 22nd but it is almost certain that we won’t be allowed out of Lockdown3 until the schools have all gone back.

This is still the latest England Athletics Statement from 8th January…

As a result of everyone being required to stay at home, except for specific purposes as outlined by the UK Govt guidance, the impact on our sport includes the following with immediate effect and until further notice:
• The suspension of all face-to-face indoor and outdoor club / group activity.
• The suspension of all outdoor competitions including track and field, cross country, road, trail, fell and multi-terrain running.
• The suspension of all face-to-face coaches’ and officials’ education.
• The suspension of any other face-to-face club / group training sessions, events, athlete camps, running groups or other social events as well as club committee or other meetings.
• Indoor gyms and facilities will remain closed.

What you can do:

Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person.
Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space


During this Lockdown period your Committee has arranged for various activities to keep you occupied as detailed below. All these activities should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you just fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday.

18th February Meeting ID: 942 1736 8984 Passcode: 721826
25th February Meeting ID: 940 0366 0576 Passcode: 566911

2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge

By the time you get this report both teams will be nearing the finish! The teams started w/c 8th Feb only 15.2 miles apart as Thornbury Trotters (TT) had halved the gap on Judy’s Joggers (JJ) from 33.15 miles the previous week.
For the week ending 7the Feb TT ran a total of 262.28 miles and JJ 244.33 miles. So after 3 weeks of running JJ retain the lead at 726.18 miles now closely followed by TT at 710.98 miles. JJ start the week about 10 miles beyond Fortingall and TT 5 miles from Fortingall. Both teams now have a sprint finish to the end and have ‘The Beast from the East’ to content with. JJ have 148 miles and TT have 163 miles to run. Good luck!

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

The schedule for the Virtual Fitness Sessions have been extended until end March. Taryn will be running all of the session after 17th Feb.

If you have not attended before:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)

17-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm
24th Feb onwards (recurring invite – Every week on Wed, until Apr 7, 2021, 7 occurrences)
Meeting ID: 956 7719 3506 Passcode: 555963

4. Virtual Coached Running Improver Program – Tuesdays

Coach Phil Lucker has one final session, “Let’s Think About Racing”, of the four on-line coaching sessions remaining. Please come along with your questions and take the opportunity to get some valuable tips. You do not need to register your interest, Zoom links are shown below.

Tuesday 16th Feb at 8:00pm Session #4 “Let’s Think About Racing” Meeting ID: 813 8259 2302 Passcode: 1234

5. TRC #RunandTalk

Thornbury Running Club is now officially part of the #RunandTalk program. The #RunandTalk program aims to get people talking about Mental Health, removing stigma and supporting those experiencing mental health problems. TRC’s program will be led by the Mental health Champions
Carol Mosses, Emma Pritchard, Hugh McPherson and Laura Orna. The Champions are looking forward to sharing their exciting plans with you and to start the conversation about Mental Health
How can the Champions help you? The Champions are able to signpost individuals to Mental Health Support, although please do speak to them at club nights or via email if you ever just need a chat. Just remember we aren’t trained Mental Health Support Workers.
What activities are happening? If you are looking for a running buddy whilst we are in Lockdown then the Champions are very happy to help you find someone to run with. Also if you would be happy for us to contact you if we have someone looking for a buddy please drop us an email. Depending on what 2021 brings we will have a variety of online, virtual and in person campaigns and events.
How to contact us? Either find us at club night or email

6. Virtual Riverbank Rollick report from Jo Emerson, Race Director

Firstly congratulations to those of you who braved the ice and snow as well as the miles of cold wet mud to get out and complete the first ever ‘virtual Rollick. Whilst this would never have been our first choice means of holding the event we have been thoroughly entertained and uplifted by the photos of happy smiling muddy freezing faces proudly battling the elements and reaching that 9.6 mile goal.
We sincerely hope you had some fun out there. The results of the photo competition will be judged this weekend so if you have some to share (or if you just want to enjoy the pain and discomfort of the other runners) then please stop by our Thornbury Running Club Facebook page and head to the virtual rollick discussion under the ‘events’ tab.
To those of you who successfully met the challenge you have our total respect and admiration and will shortly be sent your medal (just waiting on the arrival of the ribbons). For those that are interested we have stock of 2020 medals which are larger and fit with the other race medals that piece together with the others for the TRC 2020 races. If you are missing a medal from last year’s collection and would prefer one of these please e mail me ( and I will make sure you get your medal of choice.
We had 77 entries in total and from this we hope to be able to donate at least £350 to our two charities. Thank you all so much for helping us out in reaching this target – it will be very much appreciated and will make a real difference to those in need of help in these most difficult times.
Congratulations again and look out on our website for announcement our photo competition. We cant wait to see you all on the start line for next years Riverbank Rollick on Sunday 16th January 2022!

7. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running. See club website for details

8. Diary Date : TRC AGM – Monday 29th March 20.00 on Zoom.

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.

If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to

AR 016/02/21

TRC from Friday 5th February – Lockdown3

No change this week with respect to coming out of Lockdown3. Lockdown3 measures will be looked at around 15th February but Boris has said previously in the first week of Jan “The lockdown will last for at least seven weeks, with measures to be reviewed during half-term week. Any relaxation would not come into effect before 22 February.” There is now talk about 8th or 15th March before schools go back and I guess we won’t be allowed any relaxation before the schools are open.

Latest England Athletics Statement from 8th January is here…

As a result of everyone being required to stay at home, except for specific purposes as outlined by the UK Govt guidance, the impact on our sport includes the following with immediate effect and until further notice:
• The suspension of all face-to-face indoor and outdoor club / group activity.
• The suspension of all outdoor competitions including track and field, cross country, road, trail, fell and multi-terrain running.
• The suspension of all face-to-face coaches’ and officials’ education.
• The suspension of any other face-to-face club / group training sessions, events, athlete camps, running groups or other social events as well as club committee or other meetings.
• Indoor gyms and facilities will remain closed.

What you can do:
Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person.

Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.


During this Lockdown period your Committee has arranged for various activities to keep you occupied as detailed below. All these activities should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you just fancy a chat please feel free to drop into the Zoom café on a Thursday. Last week’s topics ranged from the relationship between Riddiford’s and Kylie Minogue, swimming in the Severn, Newport County and the website error log!

11th February Meeting ID: 924 9303 0189 Passcode: 995386
18th February Meeting ID: 942 1736 8984 Passcode: 721826
25th February Meeting ID: 940 0366 0576 Passcode: 566911

2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge

Two teams of ten, ‘Judy’s Jogger’s and ‘Thornbury Trotters’, set off the Land’s End on Monday 18th January. After one weeks running through hail, snow and rain both teams were only 0.77 miles apart, with ‘Thornbury Trotters’ taking a very slight lead. Both teams finishing the week just north of Lydney, Gateway to the Forest of Dean. Week #1 Judy’s Joggers 226.06 miles and ‘Thornbury Trotters’ 226.83 miles.
Week 2 (w/c 25th January) was a good week for ‘Judy’s Joggers’ who managed a 255.79 miles week, up from 226.06 the previous week. This puts the team just north of Carnforth with a total mileage of 481.85 miles. Meanwhile ‘Thornbury Trotters’, who started the week 0.77 miles ahead, are now 33.15 miles behind, having run 221.87 miles in the week. The team is in Bilsborrow north of Preston having run a total of 448.69 miles.
Both teams are now over half way and should cross the border into Scotland by the time you read this e-mail. Still ample opportunity for the lead to change again.

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

The Wednesday Virtual Fitness Sessions with Mel and Taryn have been a big hit, regularly attracting over 20 people to each session. PB this week of 26 people. Thank you to both Ladies for doing an outstanding job of running this type of session virtually so successfully.
The current schedule for these sessions runs up until 17th Feb. I am pleased to announce that the Virtual Fitness Sessions have been extended until end March. Taryn will be running all of the session after 17th Feb, as Mel is unable to make the sessions.
If you have not attended before:
• All sessions take place on Wednesday starting at 7:00 pm.
• Sessions are 45 min long, including warm up and cool down, and are delivered via Zoom (links below)

10-Feb Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm
17-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm
24th Feb onwards (recurring invite – Every week on Wed, until Apr 7, 2021, 7 occurrences)

Meeting ID: 956 7719 3506 Passcode: 555963

Feb 24, 2021 07:00 PM
Mar 3, 2021 07:00 PM
Mar 10, 2021 07:00 PM
Mar 17, 2021 07:00 PM
Mar 24, 2021 07:00 PM
Mar 31, 2021 07:00 PM
Apr 7, 2021 07:00 PM

4. Virtual Coached Running Improver Program – Tuesdays

Coach Phil Lucker is half way through running a series of four interactive coaching sessions.
Each session will now be delivered once, and not twice as previously advertised, so please come along with your questions and take the opportunity to get some valuable tips. You do not need to register your interest, Zoom links are shown below.
Tuesday 9th Feb at 8:00pm Session #3 “Let’s Think About Physical Prep”
Tuesday 16th Feb at 8:00pm Session #4 “Let’s Think About Racing”
Meeting ID: 813 8259 2302 Passcode: 1234

5. TRC Run & Talk

Fed up with Lockdown and running on your own or stopped running? Fancy a run and a chat but lost your motivation? Why not contact to find a buddy to run with? Looking after one’s physical and mental health is even more important during the pandemic, luckily running does both.
There are many Club members who are missing being able to run with others during this time so why not drop us an email and we can put you in touch with another Club member local to you who would be keen to have someone to run with. Members who have been run buddies have found it both rewarding and mutually beneficial
Also, don’t forget to try the Zoom Cafe – another way of keeping in touch and staying motivated”

6. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running.


As the CoVID pandemic continues unabated there is increased nervousness from other footpath users vying for the same space as ourselves. This code applies to running on your own as well as groups. It’s designed to hopefully help mitigate any possible negative reaction towards runners from other users of the limited footpaths we share around Thornbury.

1. Always run – and be seen to be running – with physical distance between runners.
2. Try to avoid areas which we know will be busy with people walking. Where possible avoid single track passing places and if you find that you cannot pass with sufficient physical distance, stop and turn around, going back to a ‘safe passing place’
3. When running towards people approaching from the front
• Revert to single file running (and stop talking):
• Be the first to move, creating as much physical distance as you can (i.e. not just 2m)
• Move early & move in an exaggerated way
• Smile at people/wave as you pass (no need to talk) and thank them loudly afterwards if they have moved over too, or stopped
4. If you are approaching people from behind:
• Announce your presence and announce it in good time – don’t want until the last minute to give other footpath users the time to move if they wish.
• Again, move early and create sufficient physical distance
• Find a way which you are comfortable with to let them know you are coming (runners generally don’t carry bells!) so that we don’t startle them.
• Acknowledge them with a wave of the hand.
5. If you stop for a break, don’t clog up the pavement to allow other users to get past.


Although these guidelines are pretty obviously good practice they are sometimes easy to forget. But hopefully if followed the running club will avoid any negative press aimed at runners.

Finally, this week has seen a significant number of our older Members get the vaccine, or at least get an appointment for next week (including me & Mrs R). At least something appears to be on target – to vaccinate all over 70’s by 15th Feb!

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to

AR 06/02/21

TRC from Friday 29th January – Lockdown3

Lots of talk but no real change this week with respect to coming out of Lockdown3. Lockdown3 measures will be looked at around 15th February but Boris has said previously in the first week of Jan “The lockdown will last for at least seven weeks, with measures to be reviewed during half-term week. Any relaxation would not come into effect before 22 February.” There is now talk about 8th or 15th March before schools go back and I guess we won’t be allowed any relaxation before the schools are open.

Latest England Athletics Statement from 8th January is here…

As a result of everyone being required to stay at home, except for specific purposes as outlined by the UK Govt guidance, the impact on our sport includes the following with immediate effect and until further notice:
• The suspension of all face-to-face indoor and outdoor club / group activity.
• The suspension of all outdoor competitions including track and field, cross country, road, trail, fell and multi-terrain running.
• The suspension of all face-to-face coaches’ and officials’ education.
• The suspension of any other face-to-face club / group training sessions, events, athlete camps, running groups or other social events as well as club committee or other meetings.
• Indoor gyms and facilities will remain closed.

What you can do:
Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person.

Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.


During this Lockdown period your Committee has arranged for various activities to keep you occupied as detailed below. All these activities should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page. See the ‘Club weekly Activity Summary’ attached hereClub Weekly Activity Summary 210121 for a handy pocket guide.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

No particular subjects – just come along for a chat.
Below are the links until the end of February, along with passcodes if you need them:

4th February Meeting ID: 979 1265 4835 Passcode: 756055
11th February Meeting ID: 924 9303 0189 Passcode: 995386
18th February Meeting ID: 942 1736 8984 Passcode: 721826
25th February Meeting ID: 940 0366 0576 Passcode: 566911

2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge

We are off! The numbers have swelled and we now have 20 people in the team heading from Land’s End to John O’Groats. If you would like to join in this TRC only team event it is not too late. This is a team event, based on distance not time. Each week the total team mileage is added up to see how far the whole team has progressed. If every team member does 10 miles the team moves ahead 200 miles. Results are mailed out to the team and posted each Monday.
Please e-mail if you would like to join in.

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

Following the success of the Virtual Fitness Sessions with Mel and Taryn last year we are pleased to announce sessions for 2021.
As before the 45 min sessions will be delivered via Zoom. The only differences are:
• All sessions will be on Wednesday, not Thursday, starting at 7:00 pm.
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest to get the Zoom link. The links will be published in the weekly club e-mail to all members.

The current schedule for the next few weeks, which may be altered if situations change, is:
Date Session Leader Time Zoom link

03-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

10-Feb Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm

17-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

4. Virtual Coached Running Improver Program – Tuesdays (**CHANGED**)

• The sessions are held by Coach Phil Lucker.
• The sessions are highly interactive so please come along with your questions
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. Zoom links which are shown below.

Day Session Time
Tuesday 2/2 2. Let’s think about…. Training 20:00 – 21:00
Thursday 9/2 3. Let’s think about….. Physical Prep 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 16/2 4. Let’s think about….. Racing 20:00 – 21:00

This week is topic # 2, “Let’s Think About Training”. Each session will now be delivered once and not twice, so if you want to catch this session please join the Zoom call this Tuesday 2nd Feb at 8:00pm.

Session #3 “Let’s Think about Physical Prep” will be delivered Tuesday 9th Feb at 8:00pm and session #4 “Let’s Think About Racing” on Tuesday 16th Feb at 8:00pm.

Join for all 3 sessions, or just some, to get some great tips and a chance to ask question.

Zoom links:
Date Zoom



5. Virtual Fitness Sessions for Runners – Mondays & Thursdays

Also pleased to announce that Phil Lucker has offered his twice weekly Virtual Runner Fitness session to TRC members at no cost.
• There are a total of four session each week, two on Monday and two on Thursday (see below).
• The ‘Circuits for Runner’ is a HITT sessions specific to runners and the ‘Flexibility & Movement’ session focuses on the mobility needs of runners.
• Attend as little or often as you want
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. The Zoom links are shown below.

Please note that Thornbury Hockey Club also attend these sessions.
Day Session Time
Monday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30
Thursday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30

Monday Zoom
Meeting ID: 878 2953 5460 Passcode: 1234

Thursday Zoom
Meeting ID: 813 8259 2302 Passcode: 1234

6. TRC Run & Talk

Fed up with Lockdown and running on your own or stopped running? Fancy a run and a chat but lost your motivation? Why not contact to find a buddy to run with? Looking after one’s physical and mental health is even more important during the pandemic, luckily running does both.

There are many Club members who are missing being able to run with others during this time so why not drop us an email and we can put you in touch with another Club member local to you who would be keen to have someone to run with. Members who have been run buddies have found it both rewarding and mutually beneficial Also, don’t forget to try the Zoom Cafe – another way of keeping in touch and staying motivated”

7. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running.

As the CoVID pandemic continues unabated there is increased nervousness from other footpath users vying for the same space as ourselves. This code applies to running on your own as well as groups. It’s designed to hopefully help mitigate any possible negative reaction towards runners from other users of the limited footpaths we share around Thornbury.

1. Always run – and be seen to be running – with physical distance between runners.
2. Try to avoid areas which we know will be busy with people walking. Where possible avoid single track passing places and if you find that you cannot pass with sufficient physical distance, stop and turn around, going back to a ‘safe passing place’
3. When running towards people approaching from the front
• Revert to single file running (and stop talking):
• Be the first to move, creating as much physical distance as you can (i.e. not just 2m)
• Move early & move in an exaggerated way
• Smile at people/wave as you pass (no need to talk) and thank them loudly afterwards if they have moved over too, or stopped
4. If you are approaching people from behind:
• Announce your presence and announce it in good time – don’t want until the last minute to give other footpath users the time to move if they wish.
• Again, move early and create sufficient physical distance
• Find a way which you are comfortable with to let them know you are coming (runners generally don’t carry bells!) so that we don’t startle them.
• Acknowledge them with a wave of the hand.
If you stop for a break, don’t clog up the pavement to allow other users to get past.

Although these guidelines are pretty obviously good practice they are sometimes easy to forget. But hopefully if followed the running club will avoid any negative press aimed at runners.

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to

AR 30/01/21

TRC from Friday 22nd January – Lockdown3

No change this week and there is still no definite date on when the current restrictions will be reviewed. Lockdown3 measures will be looked at on 15th February but Boris has said “The lockdown will last for at least seven weeks, with measures to be reviewed during half-term week. Any relaxation would not come into effect before 22 February.”

Latest England Athletics Statement from 8th January is here…

As a result of everyone being required to stay at home, except for specific purposes as outlined by the UK Govt guidance, the impact on our sport includes the following with immediate effect and until further notice:
• The suspension of all face-to-face indoor and outdoor club / group activity.
• The suspension of all outdoor competitions including track and field, cross country, road, trail, fell and multi-terrain running.
• The suspension of all face-to-face coaches’ and officials’ education.
• The suspension of any other face-to-face club / group training sessions, events, athlete camps, running groups or other social events as well as club committee or other meetings.
• Indoor gyms and facilities will remain closed.

What you can do:
Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person.

Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.

During this Lockdown period your Committee has arranged for various activities to keep you occupied as detailed below. All these activities should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page. See the ‘Club weekly Activity Summary’ attached here for a handy pocket guide.Club Weekly Activity Summary 210121

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The Zoom Café was set to run for a 3 week trial. After the second meeting last week it was voted by participants that we continue with this weekly informal chat as everyone was enjoying it. Below are the links until the end of February, along with passcodes as two people had trouble logging in this week:

28th January Meeting ID: 971 1470 1632 Passcode: 937811
4th February Meeting ID: 979 1265 4835 Passcode: 756055
11th February Meeting ID: 924 9303 0189 Passcode: 995386
18th February Meeting ID: 942 1736 8984 Passcode: 721826
25th February Meeting ID: 940 0366 0576 Passcode: 566911

2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge
We are off! The numbers have swelled and we now have 20 people in the team heading from Land’s End to John O’Groats. If you would like to join in this TRC only team event it is not too late. This is a team event, based on distance not time. Each week the total team mileage is added up to see how far the whole team has progressed. If every team member does 10 miles the team moves ahead 200 miles. Results are mailed out to the team and posted each Monday.
Please e-mail if you would like to join in. Many apologies, there was a mistake in the e-mail address last week, so if you think you have e-mailed Kevin and not received a reply, please resend

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays
Following the success of the Virtual Fitness Sessions with Mel and Taryn last year we are pleased to announce sessions for 2021. As before the 45 min sessions will be delivered via Zoom. The only differences are:
• All sessions will be on Wednesday, not Thursday, starting at 7:00 pm.
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest to get the Zoom link. The links will be published in the weekly club e-mail to all members.

Thanks to Mel and Taryn for giving up their time to run these sessions for us all.

The current schedule for the next few weeks, which may be altered if situations change, is:
Date Session Leader Time Zoom link
27-Jan Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm

03-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

10-Feb Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm

17-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

4. Virtual Coached Running Improver Program – Tuesdays

For those looking to improve their run times Phil Lucker has put together a program exclusively for TRC.
• There are a total of four session over 8 weeks with each session delivered twice, in case you miss a session or are not available (For examples you attend session 1 on 19/1 or 26/1)
• The sessions are highly interactive so please come along with your questions
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. Zoom links which are shown below.

Thanks to Phil and Running Revolutions for supporting TRC and local running in this way.
Day Session Time
Tuesday 19/1 & 26/1 1. Let’s think about…. Running 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 2/2 & 9/2 2. Let’s think about…. Training 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 16/2 & 23/2 3. Let’s think about….. Physical Prep 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 2/3 & 9/3 4. Let’s think about….. Racing 20:00 – 21:00

Zoom links:
Date Zoom







5. Virtual Fitness Sessions for Runners – Mondays & Thursdays

Also pleased to announce that Phil Lucker has offered his twice weekly Virtual Runner Fitness session to TRC members at no cost.
• There are a total of four session each week, two on Monday and two on Thursday (see below).
• The ‘Circuits for Runner’ is a HITT sessions specific to runners and the ‘Flexibility & Movement’ session focuses on the mobility needs of runners.
• Attend as little or often as you want
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. The Zoom links are shown below.

Please note that Thornbury Hockey Club also attend these sessions.
Day Session Time
Monday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30
Thursday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30

Monday Zoom
Meeting ID: 878 2953 5460 Passcode: 1234

Thursday Zoom
Meeting ID: 813 8259 2302 Passcode: 1234

6. TRC Run & Talk
Fed up with Lockdown and running on your own or stopped running? Fancy a run and a chat but lost your motivation? Why not contact to find a buddy to run with? Looking after one’s physical and mental health is even more important during the pandemic, luckily running does both.

There are many Club members who are missing being able to run with others during this time so why not drop us an email and we can put you in touch with another Club member local to you who would be keen to have someone to run with. Members who have been run buddies have found it both rewarding and mutually beneficial
Also, don’t forget to try the Zoom Cafe – another way of keeping in touch and staying motivated”

7. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running.

As the CoVID pandemic continues unabated there is increased nervousness from other footpath users vying for the same space as ourselves. This code applies to running on your own as well as groups. It’s designed to hopefully help mitigate any possible negative reaction towards runners from other users of the limited footpaths we share around Thornbury.

1. Always run – and be seen to be running – with physical distance between runners.
2. Try to avoid areas which we know will be busy with people walking. Where possible avoid single track passing places and if you find that you cannot pass with sufficient physical distance, stop and turn around, going back to a ‘safe passing place’
3. When running towards people approaching from the front
• Revert to single file running (and stop talking):
• Be the first to move, creating as much physical distance as you can (i.e. not just 2m)
• Move early & move in an exaggerated way
• Smile at people/wave as you pass (no need to talk) and thank them loudly afterwards if they have moved over too, or stopped
4. If you are approaching people from behind:
• Announce your presence and announce it in good time – don’t want until the last minute to give other footpath users the time to move if they wish.
• Again, move early and create sufficient physical distance
• Find a way which you are comfortable with to let them know you are coming (runners generally don’t carry bells!) so that we don’t startle them.
• Acknowledge them with a wave of the hand.
5. If you stop for a break, don’t clog up the pavement to allow other users to get past.

Although these guidelines are pretty obviously good practice they are sometimes easy to forget. But hopefully if followed the running club will avoid any negative press aimed at runners.

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.
If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to

AR 22/01/21

TRC from Friday 15th January – Lockdown3

No change this week and there is still no definite date on when the current restrictions will be reviewed – however Boris has said “The lockdown will last for at least seven weeks, with measures to be reviewed during half-term week. Any relaxation would not come into effect before 22 February.”

Latest England Athletics Statement from 8th January is here…

As a result of everyone being required to stay at home, except for specific purposes as outlined by the UK Govt guidance, the impact on our sport includes the following with immediate effect and until further notice:
• The suspension of all face-to-face indoor and outdoor club / group activity.
• The suspension of all outdoor competitions including track and field, cross country, road, trail, fell and multi-terrain running.
• The suspension of all face-to-face coaches’ and officials’ education.
• The suspension of any other face-to-face club / group training sessions, events, athlete camps, running groups or other social events as well as club committee or other meetings.
• Indoor gyms and facilities will remain closed.

What you can do:
Athletes and Runners can train with household bubbles or ONE other person.

Individual training is permitted but note Govt guidance is only to leave the house once per day and to stay local, which means you can travel a short distance within your area for example to access an open space.


During this Lockdown period your Committee has arranged for various activities to keep you occupied as detailed below. All these activities should also be on the TRC Members Facebook page.

1. TRC Zoom Café – Thursdays

Nice to chat on this Thursdays club Zoom Cafe. Topics ranged from virtual wine tasting to the local moot point and archaeology to the Bath Half. Also got 4 new recruits for the TRC LEJOG team, every mile counts towards the team total. Pour a drink, pull up a chair and join us next week. Zoom links below:
‘TRC Zoom Café’ from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Drop in anytime with a beverage of your choice for a chat. We will trial this for 3 weeks 14/1, 21/1 & 28/1 to see how much interest there is. Zoom links:

21st January:
28th January:

2. TRC Virtual Le Jog Team Challenge

A team of at least 15 runners will be “virtually departing” from Land’s End on Monday 18th January and making their way to John O’Groats. This is about motivation, participation and fun … please join us. If you would like to join them please e-mail

• You can run anytime you like and for as far as you like each week. No pressure, no deadlines, no schedule. Running or walking distances count, but no cycling please.
• Please can you let me know by end of Sunday each week how far you have run in the past week. Just the total distance please in miles (or Km, just as long as I know which). I don’t need to know your time, number of runs, route, any screen shots or Strava links. Just an e-mail with your weekly distance please.
• Each Monday I will then send out an update as to where we are as a team in the UK! This will be total mileage only, no individual breakdowns.
• Please abide by whatever Government Regulations and EA Guidelines are in place at the time of your runs. We will need to abide by Nicola Sturgeon’s rules once we cross the border!

3. TRC Virtual Fitness Sessions – Wednesdays

Following the success of the Virtual Fitness Sessions with Mel and Taryn last year we are pleased to announce sessions for 2021.
As before the 45 min sessions will be delivered via Zoom. The only differences are:
• All sessions will be on Wednesday, not Thursday, starting at 7:00 pm.
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest to get the Zoom link. The links will be published in the weekly club e-mail to all members.

Thanks to Mel and Taryn for giving up their time to run these sessions for us all.
The current schedule for the next 6 weeks, which may be altered if situations change, is:

Date Session Leader Time Zoom link
20-Jan Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

27-Jan Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm

03-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

10-Feb Body Conditioning Taryn 7:00 – 7:45pm

17-Feb Pilates for Runners Mel 7:00 – 7:45pm

4. Virtual Coached Running Improver Program – Tuesdays

For those looking to improve their run times Phil Lucker has put together a program exclusively for TRC.
• There are a total of four session over 8 weeks with each session delivered twice, in case you miss a session or are not available (For examples you attend session 1 on 19/1 or 26/1)
• The sessions are highly interactive so please come along with your questions
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. Zoom links which are shown below.

A BIG THANK YOU to Phil and Running Revolutions for supporting TRC and local running in this way.

Day Session Time
Tuesday 19/1 & 26/1 1. Let’s think about…. Running 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 2/2 & 9/2 2. Let’s think about…. Training 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 16/2 & 23/2 3. Let’s think about…..Physical Prep 20:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 2/3 & 9/3 4. Let’s think about….. Racing 20:00 – 21:00

Date Zoom








5. Virtual Fitness Sessions for Runners – Mondays & Thursdays

Also pleased to announce that Phil Lucker has offered his twice weekly Virtual Runner Fitness session to TRC members at no cost.
• There are a total of four session each week, two on Monday and two on Thursday (see below).
• The ‘Circuits for Runner’ is a HITT sessions specific to runners and the ‘Flexibility & Movement’ session focuses on the mobility needs of runners.
• Attend as little or often as you want
• To make it easier you do not need to register your interest. The Zoom links are shown below.

Again a BIG THANK YOU to Phil and Running Revolutions for supporting TRC and local running in this way
Please note that Thornbury Hockey Club also attend these sessions.

Day Session Time
Monday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30
Thursday Circuits for Runners (HIIT) 19:30 – 20:00
Flexibility & Movement for Runners 20:00 – 20:30

Monday Zoom
Meeting ID: 878 2953 5460 Passcode: 1234

Thursday Zoom
Meeting ID: 813 8259 2302 Passcode: 1234

6. TRC Run & Talk

Fed up with Lockdown and running on your own or stopped running?
Fancy a run and a chat but lost your motivation?
Why not contact to find a buddy to run with?

Looking after one’s physical and mental health is even more important during the pandemic, luckily running does both.

There are many Club members who are missing being able to run with others during this time so why not drop us an email and we can put you in touch with another Club member local to you who would be keen to have someone to run with. Members who have been run buddies have found it both rewarding and mutually beneficial
Also, don’t forget to try the Zoom Cafe – another way of keeping in touch and staying motivated”

7. Virtual Riverbank Rollick – January 2021 (All TRC Members are encouraged to enter)

Entries for the Virtual Rollick is live on Race Nation with full details via the Facebook Page. We have 60 entries so far.

To make sure that the spirit of the infamous ‘Rollick’ is not lost, we expect at least half of your run to be off-road and to involve an acceptable level of mud wind and water.
• Run your own socially distanced 9.6 mile route
• Run any time between 1st and 31st January 2021 – go on you know you want to do it on New Years Day!
• Follow the instructions and the link emailed to you to in order to submit your elapsed time (not moving time) accompanied by a screenshot of your run from your running application of choice
• Medals will be posted during February as we collate the results and assess the photos
• Places can be transferred using the Race Nation web portal
• Entries are limited to 400 and will close when this limit is reached or at 13:00 on January 31st, whichever comes soonest
• Runs must be completed and evidence submitted before 23:59 on January 31st

8. Virtual Park Run

Nick Langridge recommends the Stonehouse Virtual Park Run – details as below
Anyone can join in. Basically, run a 5K wherever you want on Saturday or Sunday, record a time, an ascent in metres if you can, preferably with screen shot of your route but not essential and email the time and any evidence to Alan price at by 6 pm on the Sunday. Just to mix it up one minute will be deducted from your time for each 25 metres of ascent and the results are out each Monday morning.
Full instructions are at Join us for a virtual parkrun | Stonehouse parkrun There is also a special Facebook page where photos, comments etc can be posted if you are so inclined. Stonehouse Virtual parkrun #33 results… – Stonehouse parkrun | Facebook

9. TRC CoVid Running Code

As you will be running on your own or with one other whilst we remain in Lockdown our CoVid Officer has developed a code to remind all TRC Members of best practise when out running.

As the CoVID pandemic continues unabated there is increased nervousness from other footpath users vying for the same space as ourselves. This code applies to running on your own as well as groups. It’s designed to hopefully help mitigate any possible negative reaction towards runners from other users of the limited footpaths we share around Thornbury.

1. Always run – and be seen to be running – with physical distance between runners.
2. Try to avoid areas which we know will be busy with people walking. Where possible avoid single track passing places and if you find that you cannot pass with sufficient physical distance, stop and turn around, going back to a ‘safe passing place’
3. When running towards people approaching from the front
• Revert to single file running (and stop talking):
• Be the first to move, creating as much physical distance as you can (i.e. not just 2m)
• Move early & move in an exaggerated way
• Smile at people/wave as you pass (no need to talk) and thank them loudly afterwards if they have moved over too, or stopped
4. If you are approaching people from behind:
• Announce your presence and announce it in good time – don’t want until the last minute to give other footpath users the time to move if they wish.
• Again, move early and create sufficient physical distance
• Find a way which you are comfortable with to let them know you are coming (runners generally don’t carry bells!) so that we don’t startle them.
• Acknowledge them with a wave of the hand.
5. If you stop for a break, don’t clog up the pavement to allow other users to get past.

That’s all for this week and we will keep you advised if anything changes.

If you have any events to add to the Diary or if you have anything to add or any suggestions or announcements please send by e-mail to

AR 15/01/21