In attendance: Judy Mills (Chair), Jacqueline Wadsworth, Gareth Thomas, Rob Watkins, Jo Plumbley, Angela Bushell, Maddie Parrott, Craig Carscadden, Karen Carr and Janet Constable.
Welcome and apologies: Apologies were received from Arthur Renshaw and Mark Grimsey
Matters arising from previous meeting (15th July 2010)
- The Deputy Chair would represent the Club at the County Event being organised by the Avon Network on 26 September.
- It had not proved possible to enter teams for the Midland Road Relays, due to insufficient numbers of EA-registered members. In subsequent discussion, it was AGREED to fund two teams for the North Somerset event at Clevedon (men’s race at £20 and women’s event at £16).
- The Secretary had had conversations with Bob Hall regarding the Severn Walkway Relay. The most likely outcome was that the Deputy Chair would take over the organisation of this event, subject to finding a Race Director for the SH 10k. [Action: Deputy Chair]
- Despite difficulties, Prattle & Run would continue to be published on-line. The Chair would provide any issue of the newsletter as an e-mail attachment on request.
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer reported a current surplus of £106. Despite lower numbers on the Sundayshill 10k, that race’s surplus was £256. The budget set for the Anniversary Party had been undershot by £18, for which Karen Carr was commended. The deposit account remained unchanged at £5175. The Treasurer was thanked, in his absence, for his clear and timely presentation of the budget statement.
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that he had received 7 new membership applications, as below.
585 | Turner | Lynne |
586 | Taylor | Rebecca |
587 | Taylor | Holly |
588 | Carr | Joanna |
589 | Gregory | Claire |
590 | Betteridge | Zoe |
591 | Kellett | Jon |
These were APPROVED.
The Secretary reported that he had received details from the ARC of its AGM, from which it emerged that ARC now represented 161 clubs and had issued 243 race permits (about one race in eight) during the year. Its finances were healthy, with a net worth of £53,000.
Coaching courses
A proposal by the Club Captain to establish a series of coaching seminars and activities in the Autumn and Winter was AGREED. Craig Carscadden and Maddie Parrott agreed to put the flesh on these. [Action: named]
Thornbury Carnival
The Club had received an invitation to attend a planning meeting for the 2011 Thornbury Carnival. It was AGREED that the Club’s main contribution to the Carnival should continue to be the SH10. Any further contribution should be on the basis of individual responses to a contact person nominated by the Carnival organisers, rather than volunteers being sought by the Club itself. [Action: Secretary]
Annual Dinner/ Party
Committee members unanimously AGREED that – as the 2010 party had been a great success – it should be repeated, with some changes, in 2011. This did not mean that the Annual Dinner should not feature instead in some years, if members so wished. Some necessary changes should be made in the catering arrangement and in provision for bad weather. Karen Carr would work up detailed proposals. It was additionally AGREED that annual trophies should be presented at this event. [Action: Karen Carr, Janet Constable]
Website issues
Despite the difficulties of getting technical support for the website within the Club, it was AGREED to renew the annual subscription, due on October 15. The Club Captain would investigate the creation of a forum for members to share information, and effective use by members of the e-mail list. [Action: Club Captain]
Road Race Championship
A proposal by Bettina Broughton to replace the Road Race Championship with a differently structured competition was discussed at some length. Members considered that we could have done more to promote this year’s competition at the outset and give it a higher profile during the year as the leadership positions changed. Since any new competition takes time to bed in, the Committee AGREED to continue with the present structure for one more year and review the situation at that point. Bettina Broughton was thanked for all her work in encouraging members, tracking results and seeking improvements. [Action: Secretary]
Captaincy issue
The Club Captain presented a proposal to increase the number of captaincy roles. Following discussion, a proposal to establish a Men’s and a Women’s Captain to oversee team events was AGREED in principle, to be discussed more fully in November. [Action: Secretary]
Notice of future agenda items
It was AGREED that, given their substantive nature, the following items would require an earlier start to the next meeting of the Committee:
- A proposal to rename the Club, given its diversification into swimming and cycling activities
- Possible uses of funds currently in the Club’s deposit account.
- The integration and protection of 16-17 year old members.
Any Other Business
- The Club Captain announced a Night Trail Run in Blaise woods for 18th November.
- Winter handicap dates were in the process of being agreed.
- The Committee was reminded that if street lights were switched off in parts of Thornbury, as planned, this would have an effect on the courses we could plan on Club Night. [Action: Club Captain]
- Karen Carr announced that the Cricket Club had been booked for the Club’s Christmas run on 9th December.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 3rd November at 7.30 pm. [Action: Secretary]
Gareth Thomas,