5th May 2011
Christ The King Social Club
9:00 pm
In attendance: Gareth Thomas (Chair), Nigel Hale, Mark Grimsey, Rob Watkins, Angela Bushell, Karen Carr, Liam Jones, Jim Godden, Sarah Bradley, Judy Mills, Jacqueline Wadsworth, Jo Plumbley, Craig Carscadden.
Apologies: Apologies were received from Janet Constable and Fiona Hunter.
Approval of previous meeting minutes: The minutes were approved as an accurate record.
Matters arising from previous meeting (25th February 2011)
Alternative Oldbury Power Station 10 route.
Oldbury Power Station is available for this year’s race (operations are reported to be continuing at OPS until the end of next year). No further actions have been taken in planning an alternative route. Justin Taylor is OK for directing this year’s race at OPS.
Severn Walkway Relay (SWR).
Arthur Renshaw has invited Chepstow, Dursley and Hogweeds to take part.
Purchase of a tent.
Judy Mills is investigating tents which may be suitable for The Club.
Sale of Club kit.
Liam raised the point of getting personalised logos embroidered onto club kit, for which Linela Embroidery in Olveston charge reasonable rates. [Action: Gareth to ask Dorothy to investigate further].
Race Publicity Officer.
Arthur Renshaw expressed a wish not to take on this role as he is already heavily committed with race organisation this year. Sarah suggested use of Facebook for publicity and Jim that we should make more use of running web sites (e.g. Runners World). [Action: Sarah and Liam to investigate web based publicity further].
Midland Counties XC
The Club has received a refund for those people who were turned away because they did not have individual membership of England Athletics.
Chepstow Mob Match
Planning is underway for the race on June 9th (further discussion later).
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer reported a current account balance of £6,794.55 and deposit account balance of £5,188.36. There was a surplus of income against expenditure this year of £1,103.18. The Aquathon made a small profit this year due to a reduction in sponsorship – the final figure is yet to be determined as not all sponsorship money has been received.
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that he had received 5 new membership applications, as follows:
610 – Louise Phillips, 611 – Emma Kwok, 612 – Elizabeth Dix, 613 – Sally Gill, 614 – Karen Scott. These were APPROVED.
The Secretary reported that membership now stood at 143, which includes 15 new members, and that 37 members from last year have not renewed their membership.
Affiliation fees of £209 have been sent to the Association of Running Clubs, based on a membership total of 167 at the end of 2010.
The £50 UK Athletics affiliation fee has been paid along with £260 for individual registration of 52 members. This is likely to mean two places, rather than the previous one place, for the London Marathon.
The fee for hire of Turnberries for the first quarter of £300 has been paid. The point of contact for matters concerning the hire of Turnberries is now The Club Secretary.
Chepstow Mob Match
Arthur will liaise with The Anchor for provision of refreshments after the race. It was agreed that we should work to a budget of £300 (100 runners at £3 per head). Jim asked what plans were in place in case the weather is poor and volunteered to look into providing the Scouts marquee. [Since the meeting we have learned that The Anchor will have a marquee, set up in readiness for the Oldbury Fun Run, that we can use].
[Action: Jim Godden to contact some of the “fast†runners to encourage them to take part].
Summer Party.
It was agreed that we should have a live band and marquee and that those attending should contribute food and drink. A budget of £800 was agreed on the basis of 80 attendees each paying £10.
Cross Country Trophies and Presentations.
There was some discussion as to the decision of the Committee in January last year on the timing of the presentation of trophies. To clarify the matter the minute of that meeting is included below:
In discussion of the recent (late) presentation of XC trophies, it emerged that because of a misunderstanding, no personal trophies had been provided, only perennial trophies, which would be returned to the Club. It was AGREED to ask Janet Constable to purchase personal trophies and get them engraved. (Action: Janet Constable) These trophies should be presented in future as soon as practicable after results are known. (Action: Club Captain)
For the Road Race Championship it had already been agreed that if the winner of the age-adjusted category was also the overall winner, then the trophy should go to the runner up in the age-adjusted category (i.e nobody should get both trophies). It was agreed that this rule should be adopted next year for the cross country trophies. [Action: Janet Constable]
On-line race entries.
No further progress has been made. It was noted that we have already provided this option for the Riverbank Rollick and Aquathon. It was agreed that we should use the same on-line booking service for all races and charge a small premium for on-line entries in order to recover the cost. Action: Jim to follow up with Jan Burke on co-ordinating race number allocation. Jim to discuss on-line membership application with Colin Symington.
Carnival 10K
Gareth has the organisation underway.
[Action: Gareth to ask Arthur to send out publicity for the race to other clubs on his e-mail address list].
Any Other Business
Water running.
Sarah asked about sessions at Thornbury Leisure Centre. Rob replied that a previous attempt to organise a session did not get sufficient response. A group of 10 – 15 people is required to book a session in the diving pool (TLC contact – Linda Ward). [Action: Rob to make a further announcement to gauge interest in water running].
Welfare Officer.
Julie asked if we have a Welfare Officer. Helen Renshaw is happy to continue in this role.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 14th July
Nigel Hale,