Christ The King Social Club, 6th May 2010
In attendance: Judy Mills, Arthur Renshaw, Jacqueline Wadsworth, Mark Grimsey, Gareth Thomas, Rob Watkins, Janet Constable, Karen Carr and Angela Bushell.
Welcome and apologies: Apologies were received from Maddie Parrott, Jo Williams, Caroline Lansdown, Craig Carscadden and Jo Plumbley
Matters arising from previous meeting (12th March 2010)
- Arrangements for the Severn Walkway Relay were in hand.
- The Secretary reported that the 2010 list of Club roles and responsibilities had been posted on the website.
- No teams had been entered by the Club for the BMAF National Road Relays.
- The Deputy Chair AGREED to pursue the three free places the Club had been promised in the Tintern Trot. [Action: Deputy Chair]
- The purchase of cones was in hand.
- The agreed contributions had been made to the Swimathon.
- Refunds were being made for Severn Bridge crossings to take part in the Mob Match.
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer had been stranded abroad as a result of flight disruptions and had not been able to prepare his report. It was AGREED to defer this to the next meeting.
Secretary’s Report
It was AGREED to approve the following applications for membership:
582 | Hawkins | Sonya |
583 | Loughran | Simon |
584 | Cumber | Debbie |
Sundayshill 10k
In response to a member’s request there was discussion of whether to issue finishers with something like a commemorative mug for this (anniversary) year. The Committee decided against.
Steve Jones 10
A date (12 September 2010) was AGREED for this race. The Club Captain proposed taking early measures to put in place a co-ordinator. It was AGREED that she should approach Malcolm Carr in the first instance. [Action: Club Captain]
The Deputy Chair reported that the Visitor’s Centre may be available for the race after all, but that the Club would still need to order a number of tents in case it was not. Toilets would, though, be available so there would be no need for portaloos. The field for parking had been booked. Chip timing would be used, and race fees would be increased to £10-11 to cover the extra costs. It was AGREED to put more effort into the promotion of this race in order to raise its profile and increase entry numbers. [Action: Deputy Chair]
25th Anniversary
It was AGREED to set a budget of £1500 for his event. The band was expected to cost £500 and the marquee £300. Costs for a dance floor, tables and chairs had still to be worked out. There would be some initial drinks provided free, which those attending would supplement by bringing their own. They would also be invited to bring food contributions to be shared collectively. [Action: Social Secretaries, Rob Watkins]
Website issues
There was lengthy discussion of the website and attached problems. There were still gaps where the materials had not been transferred from the old site. With regard to a member’s comments on the inappropriateness of confusing sponsors with retail suppliers and official bodies (UKA, ARC) it was AGREED to seek a higher profile for sponsors. It was also AGREED to set up a meeting at which those expected to upload materials could get advice and support. Angela Bushell kindly agreed to take charge of overall Club records (i.e. not a running total of annual records) and the Diary of Events. [Action: Club Captain, Angela Bushell]
Race timing
The Chair reported that she had approached Dave Matthews, who had agreed to act as timer for the Sundayshill 10k. It was AGREED that she should ask Graham Bishop if he would be prepared to be the back-up timer for the OPS10, where chip timing was being used for the first time. [Action: Chair]
First aiders
It was AGREED to make an appeal for named first aiders. Ideally, each running group on Club Night should have such a person with them, though this was impossible to guarantee. Chris Pearce’s name should no longer appear in this capacity, as he was rarely able to attend Club Night. Both Gary Slater and Jimmy Gill were happy to continue in this role. [Action: Chair]
Committee roles 2011
The Club Captain proposed that, as published summer routes were often modified ‘on the run’, group leaders should play a greater role in planning them. The general view was that the current model had some advantages, and provided a useful starting point. It was AGREED that the Club Captain should convene a meeting of group leaders to elicit their views. [Action: Club Captain] Thought should also be given to succession planning in the case of those officers who have declared their intention of standing down in 2011. [Action: all]
Mob match issues
The Club Captain sought advice on a venue for next year’s mob match, which it was our responsibility to organise. It was AGREED that the Deputy Chair should investigate the possibility of West Marsh Lane, where there were changing facilities, showers, car parking and access to a course along the riverbank. [Action: Deputy Chair]
UKA race forms
Angela Bushell raised the issue of an increasing trend for race forms to require evidence of UKA affiliation. It was not clear whether there were currently any links between the website and the UKA database to check the accuracy of the information provided. The Secretary agreed to monitor the situation and to inform all members of the Club’s official registration reference number (2658698 – a seven digit number), though normally what was expected was the individual’s competition licence number (a six digit number). [Action: Secretary]
Any Other Business
The Secretary agreed to substitute the Deputy Chair as referee for the Stoke Bradley 10k on June 13th. [Action: Secretary]
The Secretary agreed to email individuals who had not renewed their annual subscriptions, where they were not expected to have resigned. [Action: Secretary]
The Secretary reported that he had not yet received notification of the Avon mob match.
It was AGREED that Janet Constable should buy trophies in greater numbers than her immediate needs where this led to savings. [Action: Janet Constable]
The Deputy Chair reported that the Oldbury Fun Run brochure included a lengthy section on TRC, prepared by the Chair. The race director’s software for this event had been provided free by the Power Station and was shared with TRC.
The Chair expressed her concern for the future of Prattle & Run. The website might prove a more attractive option in future for this material. Nothing had yet been submitted for the May issue.
Date of next meeting: July 15th [Action: Secretary]
Gareth Thomas, Secretary