Christ The King Social Club, 12th March 2010, 8pm
In attendance: Judy Mills, Arthur Renshaw, Jacqueline Wadsworth, Mark Grimsey, Gareth Thomas, Maddie Parrott, Rob Watkins, Jo Plumbley, Karen Carr and Angela Bushell.
Welcome and apologies: Apologies were received from Jo Williams, Caroline Lansdown, Craig Carscadden and Janet Constable.
The Chair welcomed new members, in particular, to the Committee.
Matters arising from previous meeting (14th January 2010)
- The Secretary had contacted Selina regarding arrangements for the Severn Walkway Relay and was awaiting a response.
- The Treasurer reported that personal trophies for the XC winners had now been purchased.
- The Club Captain reported that she was still considering the question of further standardising race entry forms. (Action: Club Captain)
- The Road Running Championship details had now been published.
- A Power Walkers group had now been established and was meeting successfully.
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer reported a current surplus of £2,589. The deposit account remained unchanged at £5175. Surpluses from the Aquathlon and the Riverside Rollick had greatly helped. A refund was expected from the temporary closure of the track at WISE.
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that he had received requests for 2010 fees from both EA and ARC. The total payable to EA was £50 for the Club (members have met their own subscriptions via the application form) and £232 for ARC, covering all our members.
It was AGREED to approve the following application for membership:
570 | Tillin | Adrian |
571 | Sarah | Bradley |
572 | Paul | White |
573 | Slade | Mike |
574 | Bryan | Jon |
575 | Flemington | David |
576 | Wood | Kevin |
577 | Hale | Caron |
578 | Hunter | Louise |
579 | Watkins | Cathy |
580 | Pascoe | Alan |
581 | Schlamm | John |
Roles and Responsibilities
The 2009 list of roles and responsibilities in the Club was updated for 2010, and would be posted on the website. [Action: Secretary]
BMAF National Road Relays
In response to his enquiry, the Secretary had received the following response from BMAF:
‘Your club members would be most welcome to compete in any of our Championships on reaching the age of 35. Our road relays will be held in Sutton Park, Birmingham on 15 May and you can enter on line or In Masters athletics it is possible to “down age” an older athlete to run as part of a younger age group, i.e. if you have five members only in the M50-59 age category and one athlete aged 60 or over, s/he can compete. However, you cannot move up a younger runner, as clearly s/he would have a physical advantage over older athletes. Our cross country championships and cross country relays are also open to all UKA clubs. All our Championships are open to non members but our members get discounted entry fees, plus other advantages. Athletes join our clubs as individuals; they can retain their membership of their UKA club.’
Accordingly, it was agreed to ask Jim Clune to co-ordinate team entries from the Club. [Action: Secretary]
Road Race Championship
Following a request received from Dave Matthews, it was AGREED that the RRC trophies should be engraved with his name as the presenter. [Action: Janet Constable]
25th Anniversary ideas
Following discussion, the Committee AGREED that (subject to satisfactory costings for a marquee and necessary equipment for a barbecue cum garden party) we should gratefully accept Rob Watkins offer of his garden as the venue for this event. (Action: Social Secretaries, Rob Watkins)
Prattle & Run
There was lengthy discussion of the future printing arrangements for Prattle & Run, and the balance needed between printed and electronic copies. The next stage in the discussion would be to ask Graham Bishop to explore the purchase of a suitable colour laser printer, and to decide, in the event, where it should be sited. [Action: Secretary]
Town Centre races
Following discussion, it was AGREED not to pursue the idea of organising a town centre race, given all the other commitments of the Club at the moment. [Action: Deputy Chair – to communicate to Dave Matthews]
Sundayshill 10k
The Deputy Director reported that the race would now take place on July 8th, to distance it from the Tintern Trot. We have been rewarded with three free places on the Tintern Trot, as a result, which would be offered to group leaders on Club Night. The Tintern Trot would not be a formal Away Day. [Action: Club Captain]
Equipment purchases
A proposal to purchase cones was AGREED. Start and finish banners were being provided free of charge by OPS. [Action: Deputy Chair]
Any Other Business
It was AGREED to make a contribution to Swimathon of £10 for each Club member participating (probably 12). [Action: Treasurer]
OPS 10 The Deputy Chair reported that the OPS Business Centre would be being refurbished at the time of the next race and would not be available to us. It was nevertheless AGREED to continue with this venue, and provide costings for a marquee, portaloos, etc. [Action: Deputy Chair]
Race timekeepers: It was AGREED to ask Dave Matthews to continue in his role. [Action: Chair]
Race Director software: This item was deferred, given that John Grimsey is still assessing the suitability of the software.
It was AGREED to refund costs of crossing the Severn Bridge for the Chepstow Mob Match for those cars that carried four passengers or more. [Action: Club Captain, Treasurer]
Website: Colin Bell will be the new Webmaster. Stephen Hales was assisting the Club Captain in transferring the Club records to the new site. Training would be available to those needing it to post information on their segment of the site. The plan was for an April switch-over, when the old address would bring up the new site. It was AGREED to accept the new Club logo and phase out the old, given that the Club had reached a new era its 25th year. [Action: named]
Chip timing. It was AGREED to pursue chip timing for the OPS10, but to rent rather than purchase, since the costs of the latter would be prohibitive. The entry fee would be increased accordingly. [Action: Deputy Chair]
Green Man. It was AGREED that September would be a suitable month to arrange this 45 mile run, either over 2 days or 4 week-ends. [Action: Deputy Chair]
The Committee agreed that the arrangements at Turnberrie’s were working well, and that the change had been well received by the membership. Karen Carr was thanked for coming up with the idea.
Date of next meeting: May 6th [Action: Secretary]
Gareth Thomas, Secretary