Christ The King Social Club, 14th January 2009, 9pm
In attendance: Arthur Renshaw (Acting Chair), Jacqueline Wadsworth, Mark Grimsey, Gareth Thomas, Jo Williams, Maddie Parrott, Caroline Lansdown, Rob Watkins, Jim Godden, Selina Davies, Craig Carscadden, Rosina Rowland and David Palmer.
Welcome, apologies and thanks: Apologies were received from Judy Mills and Janet Constable.
The Chair thanked those standing down (Selina, Ros, Jim and David) for their contributions to the work of the Committee.
Matters arising from previous meeting (12th November 2009)
- With regard to the question of ‘time trials’ conducted by cyclists enrolled in the Tri Section, the Secretary reported that he had written to the Tri Section leaders setting out the Committee’s decision, as agreed at the last meeting.
- Selina reported that she had contacted Bob Hall on a suitable date for the Severn Walkway relay, and awaited a response.
- Selina reported that 50 tickets had been sold so far for the Annual Dinner. It was AGREED to provide a subsidy of £200. (Action: Treasurer)
- In discussion of the recent (late) presentation of XC trophies, it emerged that because of a misunderstanding, no personal trophies had been provided, only perennial trophies, which would be returned to the Club. It was AGREED to ask Janet Constable to purchase personal trophies and get them engraved. (Action: Janet Constable) These trophies should be presented in future as soon as practicable after results are known. (Action: Club Captain)
- In the absence of the Editor, discussion of Prattle & Run was deferred.
- No further progress had been made in determining whether financial support should be extended beyond the £2 for participation in team event. such as the XC Leagues. (Action: Club Captain).
- The Club Captain reported that she was still considering the question of further standardising race entry forms. (Action: Club Captain)
- With regard to the Christmas Fun Run of 27th December, it appears that fewer than a dozen runners had taken part.
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer reported a surplus on the year of £2,691, largely due to receipts from our three races. The deposit account remained unchanged at £5175. No balance sheet had been presented by the previous Treasurer for 2008, despite frequent requests. It was AGREED to record a closing bank balance for that year, together with an estimate of cash. A note would be added for the auditor(s). (Action: Treasurer, Craig Carscadden)
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that he had written to the Bursar at Castle School and had received a friendly reply, wishing the Club well in its new venue.
It was AGREED to approve the following application for membership:
569 | Savery | Adrian |
Road Running Championship
The Secretary had now received a detailed proposal from Mike Willis concerning the nine races that would constitute the series from which three (one from each of 5k, 10k, half-marathon) would be chosen. This list was AGREED by the Committee and would now be circulated. (Action: Secretary)
New Committee
Following a request by the Chair, members had confirmed (or otherwise) their willingness to stand for 2010. The Secretary would finalise the list of nominations in time for the AGM. (Action: Chair)
Level of subscription for 2010
Following a recommendation by the Treasurer, it was AGREED to retain the current levels of subscription, with one exception. It was AGREED to accede to a request by Pete Mainstone that the Club should no longer levy a £5 fee for membership of the Tri Section, as long as activities such as the Aquathlon generated a net surplus that covered the cost of the Club’s affiliation to BTA. (Action: Secretary)
Power Walkers’ Group
The Committee AGREED that the Deputy Chair should investigate further the rationale and possible ramifications of setting up a Power Walkers’ Group, and formulate a proposal for the AGM… (Action: Deputy Chair)
Policy for under-18s
There being no consensus on this issue, it was left to the AGM to decide, without any specific recommendation from the Committee.
London Marathon entries
In the light of issues that had arisen around the allocation of this year’s Club place, the Committee AGREED a change to the relevant Club Rule. In future, ‘proof of race entry’ will be defined as either a letter sent to the Secretary by the end of May, signalling that an online entry had been made but rejected because entries had closed, or a rejection letter following the ballot (normally in October). It was further AGREED that this year, exceptionally, all those who had been members for two years or more, and had not run the London Marathon before, should be invited to apply for the place that was being relinquished. (Action: Deputy Chair)
Club Website
Colin Bell had been invited for this item. Following discussion, the Committee AGREED his proposition that we should adopt WordPress as our web publishing platform, and pay for a host so that we could maintain the platform ourselves. The annual cost would be in the region of £150 per year. (Action: Colin Bell, Club Captain.)
Tax liability and CASC
Following discussion, it was AGREED not to pursue the idea of registering with Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC), since our revenues did not justify this.
Committee Dinner
Selina announced that the dinner would take place at the Mezze on Saturday, 23rd January.
Sainsbury Sport Relief Mile
The Committee AGREED that consideration should be given to this in time for March next year. The distances were 1, 3 and 6 miles, with receipts going to Sport Relief. A possible problem might be the event’s proximity to the Aquathlon.
Town Centre Races
A proposal had been received from Dave Matthews that the Club should consider a Thornbury Town Centre race, of say 5k. Given the lack of time to discuss fully, this item was deferred. (Action: Secretary)
Nomination of charity
It was AGREED that net receipts from catering for the Riverbank Rollick should be donated to Frenchay’s Palliative Care Unit. (Action: Treasurer)
The date of the next meeting will be agreed by the new Committee, and may be other than a Thursday. [Action: Secretary]
Gareth Thomas, Secretary