25th February 2011
Christ The King Social Club
8:00 pm
In attendance: Gareth Thomas (Chair), Nigel Hale, Mark Grimsey, Rob Watkins, Angela Bushell, Karen Carr, Janet Constable, Liam Jones, Jim Godden, Sarah Bradley
Welcome and apologies: The chairman welcomed everyone to the new committee, both new and returning members. Apologies were received from Judy Mills, Fiona Hunter, Jacqueline Wadsworth, Jo Plumbley and Craig Carscadden.
Matters arising from previous meeting (3rd November 2010)
Alternative Oldbury Power Station 10 route.
The course originally proposed by Justin Taylor involves crossing the A38 and would therefore not be viable on safety grounds. Arthur Renshaw and Justin Taylor are looking for alternatives. Jim Godden pointed out the existing route is a popular PB route and that we should keep to it as close as possible. He suggested that we have race HQ and parking in a field near to OPS and possibly have a route which goes to The Windbound and back. This would have the added advantage of allowing entries to be accepted on the day.
Severn Walkway Relay (SWR).
Arthur Renshaw is planning to send invitations to other clubs and to provide an opportunity for runners to do the whole 55 miles. At present the date is to be confirmed. He has suggested a date of Saturday 30th July 2011, which the committee were in agreement with.
Purchase of a tent.
Judy Mills is investigating tents which may be suitable for The Club.
Road Race Championship Trophies
Janet Constable has agreed with Dave Matthews suitable wording to be engraved on the Male and Female winners trophies; namely “Presented by Dave Matthewsâ€. It was agreed that The Club should write to Dave Matthews to thank him for the trophies and confirm the agreed wording. ACTION Secretary.
Sale of Club kit.
Dorothy Thomas has kindly volunteered to run the sale of Club kit, but needs some support in this activity. She is planning to circulate a questionnaire to find out what items club members would like to be able to purchase.
Charity Donations
It was agreed that all money raised for Hammer Out would be set to one side and presented to the head of the charity at a special event at the end of the year to which the local press would be invited.
Race Publicity Officer.
The Club will ask Arthur Renshaw if he will accept this position.
Midland Counties XC
Pete Mainstone is pursuing a refund for those people who entered this event but were turned away because they did not have individual membership of England Athletic.
Chepstow Mob Match
The date remains to be decided. Arthur Renshaw has said that he will organise the race when a date is fixed. ACTION – Secretary to agree a date with Dave Andrews.
Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer reported a current account balance of £6,145.13 and deposit account balance of £5,188.36. There was a surplus of income against expenditure of £469.84 since the last report. The accounts for the Riverbank Rollick have not been finalised, but with income from membership subs and sponsorship money for the Aquathlon the accounts are in good shape.
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that he had received 10 new membership applications, as follows:
600 – Bob Symons, 601 – Tina Symons, 602 – Julian Cooper, 603 – Alistair Sage, 604 – Sue Morling, 605 – Jack Grudgings, 606 – Maria Hobbs, 607 – David Hobbs, 608 – Sue Bamford, 609 – Roly Ward. These were APPROVED.
The Secretary reported that he had amended the Membership Application form and accompanying notes to emphasise the need to consider individual membership of England Athletics to avoid exclusion from some events.
He reported that subscriptions are coming in but there are still a considerable number of 2010 members who have not yet renewed their membership. Jim Godden suggested that we should make it possible for members to renew on-line with payment via bank transfer, which would be easier both for the membership and for the Secretary. He agreed to look into this further.
He also reported that he had renewed The Club’s affiliation to Avon Athletic Association and had sent the £20 fee.
Liam Jones asked for clarification of UK Athletics affiliation with regard to declarations on race entry forms. The chairman stated that the club has an affiliation number which he will make available.
Chepstow Mob March
See matters arising.
Severn Walkway Relay.
See matters arising.
Sales of Club kit.
See matters arising.
Any Other Business
Change of signing authorities.
It was agreed that this could wait a couple of months. New signatories will be required to submit passports as identification.
Thursday Night running groups
Jim Godden expressed a concern that the main group is too large on safety grounds, particularly running around the town on winter evenings. He was also concerned at the lack of progression from one group to another. It was stated by several present that although they tend to run at the front of this group, they do not feel able to cope with the running pace of the faster group. It was noted that Arthur Renshaw leads a sub-group within the main group for more challenging stretches between re-groups. It was agreed that the main group should be split, with the leadership of the faster group being shared between the runners. It is believed there are sufficient people with leadership qualifications able to fulfil this role. The Chairman said that there is a list of qualified runners available and that there is a one-day course coming up in Taunton, which would also be suitable as a refresher for qualified leaders, and he will announce the date when he has further details. It was also felt that the town routes should be simplified to reduce the number of re-groups.
Announcement of race results
Jim Godden felt that more publicity should be given to race results to encourage members to enter races. It was agreed that we should have a club noticeboard to post results and to give race results more prominence on the web site home page and in Club News bulletins. We will ask Turnberries if we can have storage space for a noticeboard. ACTION Arthur Renshaw.
Clearing up on Thursday nights
Arthur Renshaw received an e-mail from Turnberries complaining that we have not cleared away the tea making equipment properly and have left the building unsecured. It was agreed that the committee members, on a rota basis, should ensure that we have cleared away properly. It is felt that we should not be responsible for the securing of the building, but we will inform the caretaker when the last people are leaving. If the caretaker cannot be guaranteed to be on the premises at this time we will require a contact telephone number.
Press Officer.
This role has not yet been filled. The Chairman stated that he will update the web site with a new list of jobs with those responsible.
E-mail addresses
Mark Grimsey expressed a concern that personal e-mail addresses are posted on the web site, which could leave people vulnerable to receiving spam e-mail. It was agreed that if e-mail addresses are posted, then “@†should be replaced by “at†and “.†by “dot†in order to protect against software which automatically trawls web sites for e-mail addresses. The Chairman will speak to Jacqueline about implementing this.
Charity fund raising at the summer BBQ
Karen Carr asked if we will raise money for charity (e.g. raffle) at the summer BBQ and if so, who will be responsible.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 5th May
Nigel Hale,