Minutes – 8th December 2011

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8th December 2011
Christ The King Social Club
9:00 pm

In attendance: Rob Watkins (Acting Chair), Nigel Hale, Mark Grimsey, Sarah Bradley, Judy Mills, Jacqueline Wadsworth.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Gareth Thomas, Jim Godden, Craig Carscadden, Fiona Hunter, Angela Bushell, Karen Carr, Jo Plumbley, Janet Constable and Liam Jones.

Approval of previous meeting minutes: The minutes were approved as an accurate record.

Matters arising from previous meeting (20th October 2011)

• Severn Walkway Relay.
The committee gave a vote of thanks to Arthur Renshaw for organising the Severn Walkway Relay which was much enjoyed by all participants.

• Aquathlon
The committee agreed that this event should be put on hold for now as we do not have enough people coming forward to offer to organise it.

• Hammer Out donation
No further progress.
Action: Secretary to find out if £200 was donated from the Oldbury Fun Run and investigate a presentation to Hammer Out.

• Charity for 2012
The committee agreed to adopt PROPS as the Club charity for 2012. This is a small local charity Providing Opportunity and Support to children and
young people with physical and learning disabilities.

• Facebook.
Sarah reported that the Facebook page is starting to see an increasing level of activity.

• Road Race Championship
No further progress.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported a current account balance of £5444.79 and £29.28 cash in hand and deposit account balance of £5,188.36. There was a deficit of income against expenditure of £231.91 since the opening balance. The situation is looking much better now and, when the Christmas party is taken into account, there will only be a small loss at the end of the year. The races this year have shown a profit, in particular the Riverbank Rollick (£994.89).

Secretary’s Report The Secretary reported that he had received 2 new membership applications, as follows:
632 – Chris Foley and 633 – Rachel Mills.
These were APPROVED.

The Secretary reported that membership now stood at 169, which includes 34 new members, and that 27 members from last year have not renewed their membership.

Membership Fees.
The Treasurer proposed the following fee structure to be put before the AGM for approval.
Adult £15, Student £8, Associate £7, Extra family member £11 with late payment supplements of £5, £3, £4 and £3 respectively.

Race Sponsorship.
The Treasurer expressed the view that the Club is not getting a very good deal from the sponsorship arrangements currently in place with The Sweat Shop. They give a 20% – 30% discount on the Sweat Shop vouchers that are given out at the races. Judy Mills pointed out that they also supply the race numbers, which are quite a high cost item. Judy offered to talk to Jan Burke to explore any other forms of sponsorship that might be more beneficial to the Club as well as to The Sweat Shop. It was agreed to await the outcome of this before pursuing any other options such as approaching other running outlets.
Action: Judy Mills to discuss sponsorship options with Jan Burke

Committee for 2012.
Four existing members have decided not to continue next year (Liam Jones, Karen Carr, Judy Mills and Jacqueline Wadsworth). Mark Grimsey has agreed to continue as Treasurer. It was reported that Liz Dix may be willing to join the committee and it was proposed that Steve Selwyn, Rob Hopkins and Jerry Clothier would be asked if they were interested.
Action: Rob Watkins to ask for volunteers in Club News
Action: Secretary to circulate the proposal form.

Christmas Party.Karen Carr submitted a report that 75 people had signed up for the party. Ros Rowland will charge the club £5 per head for catering and the charge for those attending will be £3 for members and £6 for guests. She has arranged for champagne and flowers to be presented to Ed and Jean Hawkins who are new life members. It is not clear what Thornbury Cricket Club will charge for hire of the venue. The treasurer will bring a cheque book on the night.

Social event in February.It was agreed that we should have an event in February such as a dinner dance. Sarah Bradley agreed to organise the event with help from Karen Carr (who has agreed to help out but not to be the event organiser).
Action: Sarah Bradley to liaise with Karen Carr on a February event.

London Marathon.There have been only two applications from qualifying members – John Watt and Nigel Hale – and therefore the selection panel was not required to convene. The entry forms will be presented at the Christmas party.

Race equipment.
The committee agreed that each race director should appoint someone to make sure that all equipment taken from the store is returned. It was agreed that a committee member should be made responsible for maintaining the store inventory.

Event tent.
Judy Mills reported that she has received a quotation from ProTex for a 3m x 3m compact tent. The tent will cost £350 plus VAT, printing on the roof £70 plus VAT and text printed on the valence £35 plus VAT. The total cost will therefore be £546. It was agreed to pay for this tent, but it was emphasised that the cross country teams must return it to the store in a clean and dry condition or it will rapidly deteriorate.

Any Other Business
• Committee meal.
It was agreed to have a meal in mid January. The suggested date and venue was Saturday 14th January at the Thai Basil in Thornbury.
Action: Sarah Bradley to make enquiries with Thai Basil .

• Race reports – stand in for Jo Plumbley.
Judy Mills agreed to submit race reports to The Thornbury Gazette while Jo is away on business .
Action: Judy Mills to liaise with Jo Plumbley on Gazette contact details.

• AGM.
It was agreed to hold the AGM on Friday 27th January at 8:00pm in the Christ The King Social Club.

Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 12th December.

Nigel Hale,

For runners of all standards