20th October 2011
Christ The King Social Club
9:00 pm
In attendance: Gareth Thomas (Chair), Nigel Hale, Mark Grimsey, Rob Watkins, Angela Bushell, Karen Carr, Sarah Bradley, Judy Mills, Jacqueline Wadsworth , Jo Plumbley, Janet Constable, Liam Jones and Sandra Webber.
Apologies: Apologies were received from Jim Godden, Craig Carscadden and Fiona Hunter.
Approval of previous meeting minutes: The minutes were approved as an accurate record.
Matters arising from previous meeting (25th August 2011)
• Severn Walkway Relay.
This event will now go ahead on Saturday 29th October
• Race Reports.
Jo Plumbley reported that she has been sending regular race reports to the Gazette, but they do not always appear immediately in the paper. They contacted her for more information on Trinity Booth’s recent success and printed a good length article.
• Road Race Championships
Further discussion as an agenda item
• Showers at Turnberries
Mark Grimsey reported there have been no further problems.
• Club Tent.
Judy Mills reported that she is still waiting for a quotation. She will chase the supplier.
Action: Judy Mills to contact supplier again to request a quotation.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reported a current account balance of £4001.54 and £41.85 cash in hand and deposit account balance of £5,188.36. There was a large deficit of income against expenditure of £1662.59 since the opening balance. The main item of recent expenditure was the purchase of Club kit, which will not be recovered until next year if and when it is all sold. The true deficit is not as great as the latest accounts show as they do not include the final income from the OPS 10 (which should show a small profit) or the money collected for the Boscastle trip (which will break even).
On-line banking is now up and running and working well.
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that he had received 5 new membership applications, as follows:
627 – Hugh McPherson, 628 – Sarah Frisancho Mariscal, 629 – Ben Toomer, 626 – Steve Dimond.
These were APPROVED.
The Secretary reported that membership now stood at 167, which includes 32 new members, and that 27 members from last year have not renewed their membership.
The Club has been allocated two places in the 2012 London Marathon and the corresponding two entry forms have been received. Written applications for these Club places have been invited from the members, with a closing date of 30th November. To date one application has been received.
TRC Aquathlon 2012.
Sandra Webber attended the meeting to discuss this event. She stated that she will not be able to organise the 2012 Aquathlon as she cannot commit the necessary time involved. She went on to explain that the most time consuming aspect of it is securing sponsorship. Each year it has become increasingly difficult to find organisations willing to pledge the sums of money that are required to ensure this event can be run without incurring a loss. The total cost of the event is close to £1000; the most significant costs being £560 for hire of the pool and £250 for ambulance cover.
Liam Jones stated that his employer had a community fund from which some assistance may be available.
Action: Liam Jones to ask his employee if they would be willing to support the Aquathlon.
The Committee agreed that a decision whether to proceed with the Aquathlon needed to be made by the end of October and that a request for volunteers to organise it should be made straight away.
Action: Rob Watkins to put an announcement in Club News to ask for volunteers.
If funding looks to be available and there are sufficient organisers, the event will need to be registered by mid-November.
The Committee expressed its thanks to Sandra for all the hard work she has put into running this very successful event.
Hammer Out Donations.
Sandra Webber informed the Committee that so far this year approximately £1100 has been donated to this year’s chosen charity Hammer Out. A further £200 will be donated from money raised by the Oldbury Fun Run. Jo Plumbley reported that Thornbury Gazette no longer attends “big cheque†presentations to charities. A suggestion was put forward to contact the Bristol Evening Post. Sandra has proposed to Hammer Out that an event be held at their office in December. Mark Grimsey pointed out that Lloyds Bank require 3-4 week’s notice to prepare a big cheque, therefore it may be more straightforward to ask Hammer Out to get one printed.
Action: Chairman and Secretary to liaise with Sandra to organise a presentation to Hammer Out.
Race Signs.
Gareth Thomas, Arthur Renshaw and Jerry Clothier have arranged to do repair work on the race signs.
Charity for 2012.
The Committee has received several proposals for next year’s chosen charity; CLIC, Meningitis Trust, PROPS, CPSport and Cystic Fibrosis Trust. It was agreed to defer the decision to the next meeting in order for the Committee members to find out more about these charities.
Facebook.Liam Jones reported that he could not discover the owner of the second Facebook page and that he is now administrator for the “official†Facebook page. He asked that a link to the Facebook page be added to the Club web page. The prime purpose of the Facebook page should be to promote and report on Club races, with a race synopsis and photographs provided by Race Directors. With enough Facebook “friends†it should be possible to propagate this information widely throughout the Facebook community.
Action: Liam Jones to co-ordinate action by Race Directors; synopses to be chacked by Judy Mills before posting on Facebook.
Thornbury Carnival.
The Chaiman reported that he has written to David Golding of Thornbury Carnival to explain why the Club has reverted to using the race title Sundayshill 10K. David Golding has suggested other ways in which the Club can be involved; joining the parade, taking a stall on the field to promote the club, taking part in an Olympic Quiz. It was agreed that the quiz would be the most likely event to be of interest.
Race entry forms.Judy Mills has agreed to check race entry forms for compliance with the standard format. Race directors have been informed of this procedure.
2012 race dates.
Dates confirmed are:
Riverbank Rollick – 15th January
Sundayshill 10K – 12th July
Provisional date for Oldbury Power Station 10 – 16th September
Road Race Championship.Bettina Broughton is still acting as administrator. Jacqueline Wadsworth reported back on how other clubs in the area organise their championships. Westbury Harriers have 42 qualifying events of all categories and allow members to submit their best eight results by position. Chepstow Harriers have one qualifying race per month of various lengths and categories and allow members to submit seven results from these races plus their best marathon time. They also make an age adjustment to the results.
Mark Grimsey commented that the championship needed more publicity within the Club. It was agreed that any rule changes should be discussed with Craig Carscadden who has agreed to take over as administrator.
London Marathon Panel.
A panel of three is required to assess the applications for Club places (if more than two members apply). The panel will comprise the Club Captain, a race director and one other. It was agreed to invite Dave Andrews and Dave Palmer to join Rob Watkins on the panel.
Action: Secretary to invite Dave Andrews and Dave Palmer to be on the panel.
Membership Fees 2012.
It was agreed that an annual membership fee of £15 be put to the next AGM for approval.
Committee membership for 2012.The Chairman asked the Committee members in turn if they would be willing to continue serving on the Committee next year. Jacqueline Wadsworth, Karen Carr and Judy Mills gave their decisions to stand down next year. Mark Grimsey stated that he would prefer not to continue as Treasurer, but would serve one more year if no replacement can be found.
The Running Outlet.The Secretary stated that he had been contacted by The Running Outlet, a sports goods retailer, who have offered to provide running articles for the Club web site in return for the Club placing a link to The Running Outlet web site. The Committee decided that there was no worthwhile benefit to be gained from pursuing this further.
Any Other Business
• Locking up rota.
The Secretary noted that this has been overlooked on a few occasions recently.
Action: Secretary to send out rota to Committee members.
• Winter Handicap dates.
Angela Bushell asked if dates have been agreed.
Action: Rob Watkins to contact Wilf Burke to agree dates for this year’s Winter Handicap.
• Steve Jones Memorial Race results.
Angela Bushell asked if the results are available. Wilf Burke is currently compiling the results.
• Contact with Chepstow Harriers.
Liam Jones asked the Committee for permission to speak to Chepstow about an idea for an event that he is forming. The Committee gave its permission.
• Christmas party food.
Karen Carr asked what we plan to charge for the Christmas party. It was agreed that 50% of the cost of the food would be paid by the Club.
Action: Karen Carr to ask Rosina Rowland what the cost of the food is expected to be.
• Ladies Cross Country team.
Judy Mills reported that Jo Plumbley and herself have been asked by Madeliene Parrott to jointly captain the Ladies Cross Country team.
Date of next meetingThe date of the next meeting will be Thursday 8th December.
Nigel Hale,